[let me start by saying it took me about half an hour to try to find an appropriate photo for this, there is none, my apologies for the disconnect.]
I thought I'd emerge from storm drama to engage in another pressing issue - the election. I was really moved today by Mike Bloomberg's bold endorsement of President Obama, not because I have an unexplainable attraction to the Mayor, but because his endorsement centers on precisely the issues I find most important; climate change, rights for gays, health care, gun control and abortion....
Barbara Comstock, an advisor to the Romney campaign, was on the radio last week answering questions for NPR. When asked about Mitt Romney's stand on abortion and women's rights the advisor (she!) said that that was not an important issue to voters...that voters wanted to hear about jobs. About the economy.
Listening to this bobblehead of a woman talking on the radio I nearly wrecked on the west side highway. I came home and started reading the Romney website:
Mitt Romney is pro-life. He believes it speaks well of the country that almost all Americans recognize that abortion is a problem. And in the quiet of conscience, people of both political parties know that more than a million abortions a year cannot be squared with the good heart of America. [My blackened heart just started to race]
Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges. [WOW] With Roe overturned, states will be empowered through the democratic process to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.
Mitt supports the Hyde Amendment, which broadly bars the use of federal funds for abortions. As president, he will end federal funding for abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is an absolutely vital organization devoted to women's health. How has it come to be demonized?
I have depended on Planned Parenthood. It is nothing but a safe, convenient and reliable haven for information and affordable contraception. Nothing but a good place for women. The type of organization that civilized nations like ours should fund.
The religiously zealous pro-life jargon put forth by the political right is so typically male to me. It feels like another century, another country - one in which women are kept from making their own decisions. It's insulting - and it's also a ruse. The 'sanctity of life' is a guise for a very male problem -- not being able to control women.
Further, to gloss over the issue as less important than jobs and the economy is a cop-out. Women without access to family planning and health care become disadvantaged in our economy and ultimately weigh it down. But this argument - regardless of its strength - is unsettling to me. I don't want my reproductive rights lumped in with economic issues. They are intrinsic and should be out of the political realm all together...but we are still so far from that day.
A Romney administration would squander the work of generations of women; putting us back in the kitchen making meatloaf for our husbands like poor Anne Romney. Good grief!
Amen amen amen amen amen sista!!!
Dear Sarah,
You're going to get a lot of comments. And they're all going to be great! You're such a shining star. I hope your parents are proud.
a thousand YES.... also, a good veggie loaf from a husband sounds terribly lovely.
To re-iterate the poster a few above, AMEN!!!!! I am not American but if I was, I know exactly who I would be voting for.
I have my fingers crossed for America X
Seriously. And you know, Planned Parenthood serves and helps a ton of MEN TOO.
I think Anne has someone to cook that meatloaf for her. I don't understand how any woman could vote for Mitt Romney. Or anyone who has a gay friend. Or anyone who has been or knows someone with a serious medical condition. Or anyone who has ever needed the governments help- be it financially, medically or in a state of emergency. Or anyone....
I agree a million percent if that is possible. Thank you for saying what so many are thinking so well. (And I think the flowers are lovely.)
The political crap this year has been -- I just can't even. Why are people voting against their own interests????? So needless to say, you are speaking to the damn choir.
Also, who are you kidding? Ann Romney has a chef making Mitt's meals and it for damn sure is not meat loaf!
(This country has serious issue with class that does not get addressed enough.)
I'm gonna rant so be warned.
I remember "Zomney" when he was governor of Massachusetts. His moral stance (if you can call it that) on reproductive rights aside, the man will do ANYTHING to balance a budget. He actually thought slashing funds for the courts was a good idea...that is until it became clear criminal defendants wouldn't get due process. I mean really. It never occurred to him that we have this little document here in America called THE CONSTITUTION? Myopic dumb-ass...
Honestly, if he becomes President I may have to move to France.
BTW: Roe v. Wade did NOT legalize abortion. I'm happy to wax more about the case when I see you next. I'll bring the alcohol.
I had an argument about this whole business with my mother-in-law. It seems like the conservative side is ONLY TALKING ABOUT THE ECONOMYECONOMYECONOMY while I stare medical coverage, female rights, et al in the face. I have no idea how everyone can gloss over such CRITICAL aspects of our daily lives in lieu for the hope of a better economy. And don't even get me started on the religious beliefs as rationalization.
It truly makes me want to head back to Canada, which is interesting considering how not-perfect the Canadian system is. Yoinks.
Yes! I agree with your list of priorities. The scariest part to me is how allergic even NPR seems to be in discussing abortion. The nitty gritty is that a culture without legal abortion is a very physically dangerous place to live for a huge percentage of women. Anti-choice laws are deadly for women, and I find it disturbing that isn't brought to the forefront in all of this.
So, thanks for speaking your mind!
hell yeah sarah. listen to stories from older women about what it was like to have abortion illegal. dangerous and scary and anti-woman. are we really debating this??? please everybody... vote this tuesday.
Thank you and yes. Regardless that all these old white men could help reduce the need for abortions by finding Planned Parenthood and legal contraception and by fighting to arrest rapists (there is research that most rapists are repeat offenders and opportunists). I so agree with your priorities. I actually see the economy improving but even outside of that, the economy will grow and wain regardless of the government. But social issues and equal rights have a very long life. Viva equal rights and equal pay all around. Xo and yes! Vote vote vote!!!
Well said. I'll listen at your soapbox any old day.
the great part of this is that you have such a huge readership that if just a few minds are changed or younger women stop thinking like their parents and start thinking and reading and observing for themselves, then you will have done even more good than you do by drowning us in your beautiful flowers.
Vote. Vote. Vote.
xo Jane
As someone who got her first birth control methods from Planned Parenthood, who escorted at a clinic for a couple years, and who now is lucky enough to work full-time there every day, (AND as a Brooklynite who loves to gawk at your flowers online and occasionally pop into your store), THANK YOU for this post.
Brava, Sarah!!
Regrets for any offense last week - certainly none intended.
thanks for all your comments.
Terri - your email last week was so much appreciated and welcome. I can't tell you how good it made me feel, so any concern about offending me should be thrown right out!
I couldn't of said it better, what a joke this all is. No man will ever take away my rights as a woman, fucking fucktards.
I feel like I just learned more about Mitt in terms of what matters to me than I have in weeks of other coverage. Seriously.
I cannot understand why an adviser saying that women's rights don't matter isn't a bigger news story/doesn't incite more outrage. It makes me incredibly sad.
this makes me so unbelievable angry... we have some big woman issues here in germany, too (some kind of reward for being a stay at home mom, so small it makes you even more dependent on a husband and poor at old age - and don´t get me started on equal pay and career oportunities...), but his kind of crap comes only from the catholic church here (sorry - i don´t mean to offend anyone) and i´m glad they are not able to change things.
so please vote and don´t allow this to spread around the globe!
Also, this article is awesome, if you haven't seen it yet: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/28/opinion/sunday/friedman-why-i-am-pro-life.html?_r=0
And actually, I also believe that life begins at conception, and that is EXACTLY why I believe in the right to choose. What do you think it does to a child to be grown by someone that doesn't want to be growing he/she? I strongly believe in the power of intention & our thoughts-- and I hate to think of what it does to a person's developing psyche and bodily system to not be wanted. EVERY CHILD SHOULD BE A WANTED CHILD!
Also, it's just ridiculous to even consider getting rid of planned parenthood. You are so right on the money with that one!
thank goodness for you + this post (well, all of your posts).
Were I in America and with the right to vote the idea of voting for Romney would fill me with such revulsion. Thank you for your fervour.
hell yes and well put!
Oh THANK YOU! The entire globe is affected depending on who the next US president will be...enough damage was made with the homo neanderthalensis (Bush). I'm dismayed at the idea of having to deal with US politics lead by an amoeba.
Being the only Democrat in South Carolina is a lonely job...so THANK YOU for allowing me a moment to realize that there are other sane voters in this country. (Seriously--even my SISTERS are voting for the idiot. How do we share genes?) I'm hoping that people of intelligence turn out to vote, not the hatemongers that are my neighbors. Here's hoping we'll be celebrating another 4 years, and that my daughter won't have to live with the consequences of a GOP administration.
Move to Canada!
We still climate change though...
It seems like all the issues that are important to you are the ones we take for granted here... And for the first time in my lifetime, I feel we have a government the might be going the same direction as the States.
Unless we're careful, our daughters will be facing the same challenges you guys are now. Hell, maybe we'll be facing them even sooner than that...
How fucked is it that when we make progress, there are always someone to want take it away? Shouldn't evolution go in one direction?
I have already voted for Mitt Romney. I feel if you are having sex, you should be responsible for paying for your OWN birth control. The government isn't responsible for providing that for you. The government is not responsible for your health care. Pay for your own. The mentality that the government owes you is ridiculous. America has become a nanny state. Also, God is in control of the climate, not humans. The earth will pass away and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. God promises it in Revelations. Every promise of God has come true. Yes, every one. So it's time people start reading their Bible and believing that Jesus is the Son of God and died for everyone's sins. If you accept that truth and strive to live for God, an eternity in heaven awaits you. Reject Jesus, and an eternity in hell awaits you. It's that simple. You can't earn your way to heaven. It is a gift. You either accept that gift or reject it. It is your choice.
anon - I applaud you for making your voice heard, in what - admittedly - I knew would be an onslaught of liberal leaning comments.
but I ask you to consider this; wouldn't your god want us to love and take care of each other? the attitude that everyman/woman is for him/herself is so antithetical to christianity.
I was hoping you were going to get political. Couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing!
AMEN! As someone living in ohio, all I hear IS the economy and belief that Mitt will fix it... despite the fact that he is essentially Gordon Gecko and fails to explain is his financial policy. what???
People like Anon, who lets face it, didn't even have the balls to leave their name, may believe in God, but like many rep's fail to live up to the principals of the bible when it comes to social issues. Their only focus is abortion, but screw you if you live in poverty, the gov't doesn't owe you. Besides, the catholic church endorsed abortion till rather recently when they saw sperm under the microscope and decided it had a face... and you know what that means. {Carl Sagan wrote a fantastic piece on abortion I think you would appreciate.}
FYI gov't pays for Viagra.
and I could rant on and on about climate change, but will spare you ;) all I'll say is we need Obama. period.
Thanks for posting Sarah... and wishing your shop a speedy recovery.
I pay $ 65.00 for my birth control and plenty for octomom's xanax. I don't mind but can't do it without the economy. Also, when boys are busy chasing $ abortion goes down. Do you know Ann Sarah?
Since you asked a question, I will answer. Yes, we are to love each other, care for each other. But the Bible doesn't say depend on the government for your well-being or lifestyle. It is up to individual people to offer help. So if you can't afford birth control, ask your friends or family to pay for it and if that is ridiculous-which it is- because condoms are readily available and affordable--maybe just maybe you should consider not having sex. You don't always get what you want and you shouldn't have to ask someone else to pay for something just because you want to do it. And I could go on and on about the Catholic church. What I'm saying is read the Bible for yourself. Don't depend on someone else to tell you what is right. Research, do your homework. Ask God to reveal himself to you. You will find that the Bible is true, what God says is true, and what He says will happen in the future is true. I am blessed to live in America where we can voice our opinions respectfully and are able to vote our choice.
thank you for not being afraid to talk about politics sarah, and for caring, we're with you 100% here in Canada (unfortunately we've got a romney named stephen harper right now)!!!
“It is a poverty that a “child must die”, So that you may live as you wish… – Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa: 'I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people.'
Anon (Nov 3 8:03am), I have questions about your beliefs; if you feel that everything should be the responsibility of individuals, do you feel there is a need or roll for government at all? From what you've said, I don't understand what you might agree with government existing for on any level. Even something like the court system could, theoretically, be unnecessary if we could all simply "read the bible" and do as we are told (with of course, the exceptions for where the bible condones / explicitly asks for violence in response to certain behaviours, ei, the entire Old Testament).
But in earnest, isn't the IDEA of government something that follows the Christian belief of helping others? We have banded together to say: There are things we as individuals could not do as efficiently to protect and help each other as we could if we all came together. Democratic process is defined as by and for the people; the idea, the intent, of government, is to make the world a better place for all - to create an education system for all, to create laws that protect our citizens from harm and wrongdoing, etc. From what I read from your comments, it seems to me that you disagree with the existence of government itself. Do you believe all children should be educated solely by their parents or that their parents "ask (their) friends or family" to help educate them? Is education a nanny-state-ism the way you believe healthcare to be?
These people you disagree with are actually embodying the Christian ideals that you seem unable to see in them - the desire to help others less fortunate, to ensure safety nets and security for those who need it, to urge our national consciousness to recognize those who are different from others as equals and deserving of rights and respect. These are truly good ideals and intentions. These are people "reading their bible" (so to speak)and realizing that a world where every individual is pitted against one anther is not the world that shows our best selves and our true inner goodness.
Changing gears - thank you, Sarah, for your post and your thoughts. Best of luck to you and yours rebuilding after the terrible storm. Much love. XOXOXO
Hi Sarah,
the thing is .... as for every issue... you must do your research... where did planned parenthood originate? who funds it now? what is their agenda... on the pretext of womens freedom..
here is some background http://www.infowars.com/bill-gates-monsanto-and-eugenics-a-corporate-takeover-of-global-agriculture/
hope you do even more research and find out about eugenics and what the origin is for these people. I am definitely for individual rights... but i would not be for eugenics.
sharon at basque pebble
Anon: "Reject Jesus, and an eternity in hell awaits you." Reading that gave me a chill down my spine. It is one of the most ungodly things I have ever heard. Nothing I would ever expect Jesus to say.
You say "the Bible doesn't say depend on the government for your well-being or lifestyle." The Bible also doesn't tell you the precise ins and outs of birth control and condoms and how best to use them, either. In fact, the Bible is silent on birth control. So shall we agree that the Bible is a tad, let's say, outdated for our current needs and circumstances? Or are you saying we should outlaw birth control altogether? Ok, why don't we do away with computers, the internet, the vaccine, antibiotics, TV, high speed trains and automobiles and planes and all other moden inventions while we're at it? Surely you won't miss them either? Surely!
You say "Don't depend on someone else to tell you what is right." So that's EXACTLY what I'm going to do and will not depend on your words when you make dogmatic statements like "Every promise of God has come true. Yes, every one." Please list the promises, and all the evidence and proof that they have come true, and how. I expect photos, witness statements, first person accounts, the works.
Brilliant stuff!..
Getting this information is not very easy but this page have made it quite easy for me.
Yep. I'm a gay. I'm a woman. And I've been told to not "Vote over my issues -there are bigger ones at play" and that I've "drank the cool-aide". Really the cool-aide? It was the purple kind right that said that Obama was not in fact a terrorist muslin but a remarkable man who has been working his damnedest to do right by the whole country? Yes. I drank that. I live in North Carolina - Gal from South Carolina - if this goes badly come on over - we'll have a glass of wine and hide.
Here's one for you, again from SC: my 7-year-old son came home from school yesterday, upset about the class mock-election. He said that his friends told him that Obama wanted to kill babies and throw them in the trash. Gee. Wonder where the kids heard that? Lovely. Obviously, my son and I had some long conversations about politics.
On a happy note, I'm proudly and dorkily wearing my "I Voted" sticker. Cheers!
Dear Incredulous,
"hearing that sends a chill down my spine--that is ungodly and never what I would expect Jesus to say." This is what you said in response to my comment that if you reject Jesus, an eternity in hell awaits you. Well, Incredulous, Jesus DID say those words!! I know that may sound incredulous, but here you go...John 14:6 states, "Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." So the statement you made was exactly wrong! And the Bible isn't silent on birth control. The Bible is not a book that becomes "outdated" as you put it. And I never said that the advances in technology shouldn't be used. All I said is that you should be responsible to buy your own contraception. So let me list some of the hundreds of predictions that the Bible has stated that have come true since you obviously don't believe. This is a condensed version. Isaiah 40:22 speaks of the roundness of the earth. 2 Peter 3:7 speaks of the hydrologic cycle. Jeremiah 33:22 talks about a vast number of stars. Psalm 102:25-27 talks about the Law of increasing entropy. Leviticus 17:11 talks of the paramount importance of blood life processes. Ecclesiastes 1:6 talks about atmospheric circulation. Job 26:7 speaks of the gravational field. All of these truths were thought to be wrong by leading scientists, but God has shown them to be true. God also promised there would be a Messiah, born of a virgin, his name would be Jesus, born in Bethlehem, He would give sight to the blind, make the lame walk, cure those of leprosy, gave hearing to the deaf, raise people from the dead. These prophecies were done many times in front of thousands of witnesses for three years. Jesus was crucified, another prophecy, died, another prophecy, and three days later rose from the dead, another prophecy, after which he was seen by 500 witnesses. These prophecies were written down at least 400 years before they occurred. Guess what--they all came true. In fact, there are over 60 prophecies and 300 references about the Messiah alone in the Old Testament! So you see, God is the one who has told everyone about what has happended, what is happening, and what will happen in the future. Don't take it from my words, read His words and believe! I hope that this sends a chill down your spine to change your thinking before it's too late--or you will certainly be left incredulous when God says, "Depart from Me, I never knew you." (also in the Bible.)
Dear Anonymous,
So let me get this straight (because I am in shock here)...saying "if you reject Jesus, an eternity in hell awaits you" (what you said) is equal to saying "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (what Jesus said)
Come on...please don't treat other people like idiots!! They are completely different statements!! Or do you not understand English very well, is that the issue here? Jesus never said "eternity in hell awaits you".
I see that in your desperation you are clutching at straws and manipulating the language every which way you can. But it makes me chuckle that you do it so blatantly, even when your error is so obvious for all to see.
"All I said is that you should be responsible to buy your own contraception" - yeah, because you said "the Bible doesn't say depend on the government for your well-being or lifestyle"...well then, how about welfare? I guess you disagree with that too. Volunteer work? Soup kitchens? Helping those more unfortunate than yourself? One of the most important things Jesus taught us to do? All that should disappear right? Wow, what a miserable world you envision....
The list you give of supposed promises is a list of scientific discoveries not "promises of God". You should choose your nouns more carefully in order to avoid misunderstanding. You are clearly manipulating the English language in order to support your cause here, a very common tactic for dogmatic people. I however will not have the wool pulled over my eyes. You said "promise of God" so please, I am still waiting, please list the PROMISES OF GOD, things he said that would actually come true, predictions, etc. and how they came true. NOT scientific discoveries like the earth is round, atmospheric circulation, or the vastness of stars. As for the fact that he cured leprosy or gave hearing to the deaf, again I need EVIDENCE that this happened in such and such a place, and that God was responsible. I also need EVIDENCE that a man was born of a virgin. It shouldn't be that hard to provide it, since you're so sure of it all...?? The Bible isn't evidence I'm afraid, because what is said in the Bible is exactly what is being contested here. I need more third party independent sources, photos, recordings, eye witness accounts like any proper investigative process. For every single one of the "promises". And I repeat, please don't come back with another list of scientific discoveries or statements like "the Bible says".
In fact, don't bother...because I know the evidence doesn't exist. I know that you're just going to come back with more flowery talk with no evidence to back it up. The fact that there are people like you who believe the stuff you do, and go around telling other people that they will spend an eternity in hell, sends a chill down my spine. I hope you come out of the darkness and see the light some day. God bless and may peace be with you.
p.s. Bad luck about Mitt, I guess you're upset about that. But we all knew he was never going to win.
Glad to see this post. Glad to see a blog that is more than pretty pictures. Balls, girl.
Bravo ladies! Those evil men will never overpower us!
I was born in a happiest country in a world. Abortion? Not a problem, just ask. Health care? Free. No kidding! [reminder: a free cheese is only in a mouse trap] Class unequality? What is it? Everyone is equally poor, we got rid of all the rich. It was strange though that my mother's dream was to stay home and cook a meatloaf for her family. She couldn't because she had to work hard to help my dad. Even more strange was a fact that we could not afford a meatloaf on a regular basis even though both of my parents were both the educated and bright engineers [top of their class in college]. Guess what country was it? The old good Soviet Union.
History is a funny thing. Why do I smell that old fucking smell of the past now again? Shut up, Val, you are demonizing here. I honestly hope I am wrong ladies.I belong to neither camp, liberal or conservative. I am not religious. I made these choices because it helps me to see things a little father than the tip of my own nose. I just do not want my daughters to live like my mother. Even with an abortion option. Power to the women!
Dear Incredulous,
I find it hilarious that you end your tirade with a "God bless you..." when you just spent paragraphs saying you don't believe. I truly don't want you or anyone else to choose hell, but that is exactly what you do when you reject Jesus. Your knee will bow and your tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord just like everyone one else in the world. (also in the Bible). Hopefully, you will do this before you die, because after that happens, it's too late. I hope you do some more research and find the truth rather than believe the lies that Satan puts before you.
Auuugghghghgh! Make it stop. Just kidding, free speech is wonderful, etc., yadda yadda.
I agree with a lot of what the Lone Romeny Rep. has said, and I agree with a lot of what the Others have said. Let us take our rants to the streets, ladies! In my short life I've learned that nothing matters as much as my actions, how I love, how I speak, how my beliefs manifest themselves in the daily and mundane. The older I get the fewer opinions I have, surprisingly. I'm an opinionated and passionate loud-mouth who has learned....to shut up. And for what it's worth I'm a Christian, and I voted for Obama.
Now can we talk about some freakin' flowers?
Just coming out of the dark to see this post because if Red Hook got it bad New Jersey got it worse. I agree with most of it, Planned Parenthood is an awesome organization that does only good. Republicans have decided to demonize it as "the abortion" organization. Nobody says abortion is good, "a woman's right to choose" is the correct wording and ideology. I disagree with that it is a "male" concept, you yourself state that the Romney spokesperson on the radio was a woman. Barack Obama is a male, he believes in a woman's right to choose and lucky for us he is still our President.
I think a lot of people forget that birth control isn't just to protect oneself against pregnancy... It helps with mood swings, acne issues, and really bad cramps during that time of month.. Another thing too, if one is pro-life wouldn't they be an advocate of readily available birth control? It seems that it would equal less abortions... While I did not vote for Romney or Obama (I love Gary Johnson myself) I think attacking planned parenthood is ridiculous, they only give you free BC until you are 18 anyway..
This is really interesting…
Thank you for getting political on the blog, Sarah and so bind that band between women around the world. Like most of you I love to celebrate beauty and at the same time life is complex. I believe in the modern woman, and might she be fourteen and wants to learn the alphabet, more than in anything else. If not we who will change anything to better for us?
Are you serious??? All the problems this country faces and there are politicians focused on abortion, free contraception, and gay rights. I am a female, but things like jobs, economic freedom, liberty, etc. are important! VERY important.
Please do not crow about how "ignorant" I am...everyone has an opinion, even if it isn't identical to yours...
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