*ring ring*
Gordon Gekko: hello?
Me: Gordon, its Sarah....
Gordon: I told you not to call me on this number.
Me: ehem. I know. But we need to talk. About this number. And your phone. And your slicked hair, which i tried to replicate tonight after stepping out of shower...except I fell miserably short. You use product or something?
Gordon: This sunrise is phenomenal. It's making me hungry for power and wealth and steak tare tare.
Me: Fructis Garnier? Panteen? L.A. Looks?...
Gordon: I bought another Picasso last week...
Me: ...Vidal Sassoon? Vitalis?
Gordon: ...and an island off the coast of Costa Rica...which is not an island, Sarah.
Me: mhmm. Do you blow dry?
Gordon: I have to run, my dune-buggy won't start and the angle of the sun tells me the Japanese markets are about to close. Listen, Sarah, greed is good. The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth. Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred from one perception to another.
Me: ...POMADE? MOUSSE?...wait, have you been talking to my father? Who sent you? WHO SENT YOU???