Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Eric and I take a rare moment to walk down to the water together this morning.
It's so hazy in the city today. Sitting on a bench together I suddenly become aware of how quiet it is. So unusually quiet, and very very foggy. It suddenly feels like a dream, and I started to realize that I was dead.

"Am I dead?" I ask outloud.
"What happens next?"
"You have to go back to work."


I have been living in two different worlds. Fall wedding season and starting to organize a flower farm.

We closed on the farm just shy of 3 weeks ago. suddenly it seems that time expands infinitely behind us and in front of us. try to see back to the beginning of this farm in 1820. then forward into it's future. building a garden; a lifetime flashes by.


Go out to the barn. leave the radio on inside the house and when you come back it's still on, talking away without you. Some classical npr offiliate from the chicago area playing classical music 24 hours. Intervals of strings and news from Washington
Someone has set a metronome.
It is located the basement hidden in the depths of the oilburner. It goes on
It goes off


Our lives are changing rapidly. Words like muck boots, roto till, vapor barrier, bush hog are now part of regular conversation. We finish a big wedding in the city then rush up the thruway. Each day we're there Nea and I take a long exploratory walks; surveying our kingdom. 110 acres plus or minus. She's oblivious of property lines and runs after a doe for a mile or so in the wrong direction. Have to get her a neon bandana for hunting season and hope for the best.


I've been ordering bulbs for spring brides. How nice to have a row of fritillaria planted just for your wedding?



Amanda (Dear Frances) said...

Fantastic. I hope that if - down the road when you've settled into some kind of groove - you decide to occasionally open the farm up for gawking and wandering, I can pay you a visit. Can't think of anything much more heavenly. Congratulations and good luck!

Lisa said...

I hope it will make you as happy as Nea looks in those shots.

The Oak Leaves said...

We're only after 22 acres with an 1880 house, but seeing you get yours makes me want mine all the more.

Congrats. I'm sure your life had just improved ten fold!

Kaveri said...

Congratulations on the farm!

Sarahbeth said...

Me next.

Glad for you.

Glad for dreams.

Glad that independent business owners can do this thing.

Unknown said...

So, so happy for you! Can't wait to follow your progress. Our little suburban microfarm just doesn't compare. Enjoy the journey!

Anonymous said...

the farm is so glorious especially with nea in it. does it mean you will be leaving red hook and be based up in the country :(

Desi McKinnon said...

that made me well up. i'm so god damned happy for you, eric and nea. you are in a beautiful dream. thank you so much for taking the time to share it with all of us.

didi said...

congrats on the farm! how exciting and I'm sure in no time you two will create an enchanting, magical place.

fleur_delicious said...

as promised: mazel tov! I cannot WAIT to follow along as you settle into this life. Nea must think she's died and gone to heaven.

Brooke Howsley said...

So, so happy for you guys! How exciting it must be to pour over catalogs of what to order and plant. Much luck on your stunningly awesome expansion.

Jo said...

I am so excited for you guys. That is a massive amount of acreage. Most people around here (in the country!) couldn't imagine a tract that large. I know you are going to turn it into the flower farm that it was meant to be.

Lana Ćosić said...

Beautiful, mystical post.Love it!

Florist in the Forest said...

Sounds fantastic! I'm starting out on my own next year (on a much smaller scale mind) but look forward to following your new adventure closely.

BMA said...

The picture looks almost perfectly complete... Congratulations, best of luck and keep on with the magic!

L A M A R T I N É said...

if you plan to sell flowers wholesale from your farm in the future please sign us up...good luck you two.

Jen said...

That sounds amazing--I am so happy for you! Where in upstate are you? I have a little store in the Catskills and dream of carrying fresh flowers.

roni said...

congrats! what a dream!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so so lovely. What a wonderful adventure you are starting. I'm so happy I get to read about it all here, written so eloquently.

Anonymous said...

god, this is the american dream.

julie said...

your farm looks amazing.....so glad it all came together for u. xxx

lauren said...

sooooo beautiful!

a dream!
someday i hope to live in a place like that

you are very lucky


Jessica said...

Heavenly! Can't wait for those bulbs to bloom come Spring. What a glorious sight your farm will be. Congrats!

Skraeling said...

Congrats ... you bought the farm ... in a good way. Now, back to work.

kat said...

you are officially a badass mutha

animala said...

I’m so proud and happy for you, and we don’t even know one another! I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Jewellers said...

Looks like a scene from twilight, love the images, so rustic, colour is fab.

brandeye said...

congratulations! your place looks absolutely incredible.

www.huesca-3d.com said...

Thanks so much for the article, quite useful material.