Monday, February 18, 2013

hellebore cinnamonsnow






cinnamon snow hellebore


Ten of us worked on a big wedding Saturday at Blue Hill Stone Barns, on top of valentines day which I ignored, but then couldn't ignore - it was a long week. I look forward to showing you pictures of the wedding when I can. I am very proud of it.

The drained feeling I have after a big event is accompanied almost always by a deluge of strange emotions and then, if I'm lucky - clarity. On our way to the farm we stopped for coffee at a dunkin donuts in Cairo. I got teary at the counter - the two girls asking Eric what sort of donuts he wanted, they had such patient eyes. I thought; You girls are kind. 
The day was a wash.


Flowers are starting to get really good, after a long cold winter with drat. The hellebores I had planned on for the week were not blooming yet, so I took matters into my own hands and sought some plants at a greenhouse in PA. I like doing this because then of course I get to beef up my hellebore garden at Worlds End with the plants once we're done cutting from them. That will actually be a good project for our April 6th work day.

I stopped and saw Lloyd and Stephanie at Peace Tree Farm on my hellebore trip. Spending time in their greenhouses makes me very happy. Most of the begonias are flowering now and it was a real sight for sore eyes. Talking with Lloyd about plants, famous gardeners, brilliant plantsmen...made me want to jump out of the wedding world altogether and focus on horticulture.

Peace Tree

But I keep faking it. On the way home from the farms I stopped at a Travel America truck stop on I-78 to change my clothes. Applied makeup in the bathroom, like a hooker. Two hours later I was at a walkthrough at The Metropolitan Club. I still have a hard time fitting into certain parts of my job.


I think sometimes life forces things at you...and you have to hold these things for a while before you know what to do with them.



Mlle Paradis said...

bee-you-tiful post and final picture

Kirsten.Sogaard said...

Fantastic post and beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing!

Fleurie Flower Studio said...

Lovely all around

Anonymous said...

I love your stories.

Jo said...

I always really enjoy reading your posts. And I like to read them slowly, not rush through them like I tend to do with more superficial blogs.
Your photos are awesome and I always smile when I see one with Nea in it.

Porady prawne Kraków said...

Dobra puenta.

Anonymous said...

your pictures of Nea in the flowers are beyond words. makes me miss my own little black heeler from when I was a little girl

Amina O. und ^^ Paul the Cat said...

Nea and flowers and light <3<3<3.

Kate Holt said...

nailed it. you always write about everything in my head and a whole lot more, mostly the stuff i'm afraid to say out loud. thanks for always being you. it's inspiring.

Willis Quigg said...

“I think sometimes life forces things at you...and you have to hold these things for a while before you know what to do with them.” – I sometimes tell these words to myself. There were times when I felt life is forcing me to accept certain things and certain people in my life. If we have exactly the same point here, I hope we can both have the patience to wait for the right time when the purpose of these things will be revealed. Great photos here, by the way! :)

-- Willis Quigg

Wendy C said...

Isn't it funny, we always think the grass is always greener....
I've worked in horticulture for nearly 30 years and have thought about moving over to the floral arts many times, but I just end up really wanting to be outside and to grow, grow, grow, I just love plants and flowers and just want to be around them all the time. I think the thing about gardening/growing is that it can be a more solitary endeavour, which is what I want.And it gives me a good excuse not to have to dress up and look great, only if I want to.I know what you mean.
Your photos, as always, too beautiful for words, especially those with Nea, what a beautiful dog! I still think it's awesome that she is a mouser!!
I have never seen so many hellebores in one space...incredible. Apparently, deer don't like them!
Take care
Wendy C

liz said...

on the flip side, sometimes I enjoy that kind of dichotomy the most. I wonder if one side or another could fulfill me the same way. Hands dirty, the underbelly of what we do, versus the polished meeting, bag in hand, waving our hands convincingly.

The itch to make versus the satisfaction of seeing the final product...

monica said...

No local hellebores available last week, had to use dutch, not the same at all! Should have followed your lead, and gotten plants! Wedding was still lovely though, great ranunculus!
These pics have me green with hellebore envy!

Ollie-Rose and Blu said...

Thought provoking post and breathtaking images... hellebore heaven. Thank you for sharing.

Viktorie Mitchell said...

My god that's lovely. I would love to live in a field of those (maybe only in my dreams - allergies :P)

Anonymous said...

I am an esteemed flower reader. I have the innate ability to tap into your vibrations and energies. I can see by your increasingly erratic flower bouquets that you are not in control of your mind. I know that your first love broke your heart and you have never recovered. There are many hardships. Now there is much negative energy surrounding you. There are branches sticking out everywhere, wild without any reason. There is much anger. The flowers are thrashing out. Vincent Van Gogh slashed off his ear in the middle of his last wild painting sessions. Please put away the pruning shears. Now. Before you hurt yourself or others.

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