I've had many moments with this rose bush in my neighborhood. I can't remember when I first noticed it. some years ago with aaron maybe.
a rose bush is a tricky thing. my mother had one in the garden when i was growing up. despite her valiant efforts it never thrived. gave a stoic red rose or two every summer. then it died. overtaken by bugs or mildew. i don't remember.
i'm not prone to giddiness. i know lots of people who get that way about flowers. sometimes i try to fake it, but hell - frolicing isn't my nature. flowers evoke different responses in everyone, don't you think? to try to describe to you how it is for me seems hard tonight. it's not that special... it's not overwhelming so much. and the funny thing is - when I'm walking home with an armload of these roses, cut with the kind permission of the woman who tends this monument - all i want to do is capture them in pictures and share them with you. i note the smell rather quickly, the headiest most intoxicating smell you can imagine. document them. consume them.
make it like a memory.
I'm going to take a break from flowers for a little while. a week, a month. we'll see what it takes. am i being dramatic? you bet.
my long hair is fully grown back; my leonid powers returned. i need to focus on things for the next episode.
see you on the other side, my dear dear readers.