Friday, October 28, 2011

october roses.







last roses1



I've had many moments with this rose bush in my neighborhood. I can't remember when I first noticed it. some years ago with aaron maybe.

a rose bush is a tricky thing. my mother had one in the garden when i was growing up. despite her valiant efforts it never thrived. gave a stoic red rose or two every summer. then it died. overtaken by bugs or mildew. i don't remember.

i'm not prone to giddiness. i know lots of people who get that way about flowers. sometimes i try to fake it, but hell - frolicing isn't my nature. flowers evoke different responses in everyone, don't you think? to try to describe to you how it is for me seems hard tonight. it's not that special... it's not overwhelming so much. and the funny thing is - when I'm walking home with an armload of these roses, cut with the kind permission of the woman who tends this monument - all i want to do is capture them in pictures and share them with you. i note the smell rather quickly, the headiest most intoxicating smell you can imagine. document them. consume them.
make it like a memory.

I'm going to take a break from flowers for a little while. a week, a month. we'll see what it takes. am i being dramatic? you bet.
my long hair is fully grown back; my leonid powers returned. i need to focus on things for the next episode.

see you on the other side, my dear dear readers.


LPC said...

I now understand that a woman of 50 is a last cut rose. And I'm gonna beg you to come to SF, when the time comes.

shellie said...

gorgeous and i wish i could smell them,sarah i really do love your blog so very much.

jennifer said...

i love your blog too. i love how messy and uncensored and open and gorgeous it all is. this last post is making me want to pull lydia davis off my bookshelves tonight...

Miss Pickering said...

I would rather photograph flowers than arrange them.

Sadly my photographic skills won't pay the mortgage.

Yours would.

Liane said...

miss you already.
oh the drama.

Bow Street Flowers said...

I'll be waiting with everyone else.

Amelia said...

What beautiful roses, they somehow seem sad though. Don't stay away too long.

Michelle Stiles said...

Have a wonderful break and recharge. I will look forward to what happens next.

Anonymous said...

what camera do you use? your photos are blooming marvellous

megan said...

I agree with Miss P. I think your flower photography skills are the best in the business.

Good luck with your break... I've needed one so many times. But I always come back. I still feel you can't do flowers without an exit strategy though. Because those suckers will burn you out.

NYC Wedding Dresses said...

Those pictures are just beautiful. Your skill is amazing, I look forward to seeing more.

Lisa said...

Well, way to go out with a bang -- these are some of your best photos yet. Amazing.

Enjoy your time away from here (blogging breaks are a really good thing) but please come back!

McKenzie Powell said...

thank you this last bit of gorgeousness before your departure. i hope you fully enjoy your break from flowers.

McKenzie Powell said...

i come back the next day just to see if you changed your mind about blogging. i'm glad you didn't because breaks are good. but i can't help but check.

Sara Lacey said...

Good for you! Enjoy the break, we'll be happy to see you when you return. You are returning, right? You DID say, "See you on the flip side."

My Garden Coach said...

that rose bush is outstanding! do you know the variety? if not, you could try to propagate it. imagine a row of those in your new flower farm!! best of luck on your break. i really enjoy your photos and amazing projects.

Martin & the Magpie said...

truly delicious photos of gorgeous flowers,...'make them a memory' we try to do that every day..hope to see you back here after your break..X

Linda C. said...

I found you by accident. Searching for ideas, daughter's wedding here in Australia.

I have never seen anything so beautiful as the pictures of your work. The arrangements are absolute works of art and, your photos, as they say, "a picture paints a thousand words"

One word from me...Stunning!

Have a rest,but come back.

Joy said...

such wonderful photographs!

Amy S. said...

I keep coming back to these rose pictures. So stunning. Enjoy your break! Can't wait to see what all your hard work on the farm will bring!

Cornelia said...

Last roses of summer can be beautiful and sad at the same time. Thank you for capturing both. I am living in your East Coast flower-life here from New Orleans. Thanks for sharing the details - that's where beauty lies after all.

Anonymous said...

Just checking :)

Unknown said...

wooow lovely things!!

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lancy said...

Beautiful pictures..thanks for sharing !

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Fallon Shea Anderson said...

Decided this rose is what our Abraham Darby roses should look like...I bet it's Abe...

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