Saturday, February 5, 2011

emily and alex

[Images by Dove and Sparrow]

Emily and Alex were married at New York City Hall just after the first of the year. (Remember? Back when snow was charming?) I adore these photos of them.

emily and alex

What it is about City Hall weddings? I find them so romantic. In a run to the judge and make it official sort of way. Throw caution to the wind, take the plunge sort of way. And if I may say, regardless of how simple - no matter how casual - how off the cuff...every bride needs a bouquet. EVERY BRIDE.

That’s why this happens.


ttv said...

Wow! that's very romantic and so sweet.

mary timmons said...

that flickr photo was completely heart breaking!

Nina said...

That is hilarious!!! Do they rent them by the hour??

Lisa said...

Those are great pictures! Lovely!

sudipa said...

Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From

Monica said...

Absolutely Hilarious!!!!!!!!!

Gaelan @ Uschi and Kay said...

I love City Hall weddings too! There's something very sweet and honest about them.

Oh My! Floral said...

I wish it was the dudes getting married and those were "their" personals.... sigh. shitty flowers are sad.

karen said...

Love the photos! Dreamy almost...
thanks for posting.

fleur_delicious said...

we had a courthouse wedding and it was magic! couldn't say enough good things about it, and it was certainly nice to come home in the early evening and just relax together in the quiet. Ah, peaceful. (And I agree; I planned ahead and bought flowers at a local shop and made my own bouquet.)

Anonymous said...

Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From