Thursday, February 3, 2011

Free Flower Giveaway


Call it a hunch, but I'm sensing you need a little something easy and wild in your life this Friday. Comment to win some free flowers delivered to your door in Manhattan or Brooklyn tomorrow...


danielle said...

Hey there -

I am commenting for my friend, who is just getting back to her brooklyn home after an 8 month hiatus spent with her family in Oklahoma (whoa).

She adores you guys and I know it would help start her new year off right with some of your flowers.

And maybe take the edge off cleaning up after her messy/slightly suspicious sublet. And cheer her up after a twice canceled flight finally happening..

reach me here! and thanks!

t. l. spencer said...

easy & wild, yes please!!

Victoria said...

Yes please!


Marie Pech said...

Would love some surprise flowers to brighten up this East Coast winter :)

Natalie said...

I think they would be an equivalent to some much needed sunshine

ata08 said... love love

Unknown said...

this would be a lovely surprise!

Michelle said...

Love them! Would look beautiful in my new apartment!

kathleen // scout + lilly said...

I don't live in NYC, but my best friend just moved up there at the beginning of January and is having a tough time! Would LOVE to send her some flowers!! (She livs in Manhattan).

Carrie said...

Count me in!

Vina said...

these arrangements would definitely cheer anyone up!

Alice said...

UMMM, yes please!!

wow what a fantastic giveaway :D :D

Raq said...

Easy and wild does sound nice.

Anna/Quilted Giraffe said...

Oooh! So pretty. Pick me, pick me!

Volare said...

I would love to win these for my sister, who is going through a very difficult time this week. Regardless, these are gorgeous!

jennie said...

yes, please!

sb said...

These would make a lovely bday gift for a friend tomorrow. Beautiful as always.

Bonnie said...

I've been going to the shop in Red Hook for a little while now, but only recently discovered this blog. So beautiful. Thanks for inspiring.

Jessica said...

Yes! I really hope I win these for my friends!

Léah said...

something wild, please. it's a frozen tundra out there and i would love some signs of spring.

Unknown said...

Yes please!!

Le said...

the photos are beautiful!

Lisa said...

Maybe those flowers will cure my nasty cold. Thanks, Sarah.

mary timmons said...

A festive bunch o' loveliness will help ring in a very happy new year (of the rabbit)! Bunny love to you whether I win or not!!!

A Brooklyn Kitchen said...

Yes please! I fell in love with your work not too long ago and would love to have a beautiful arrangement of my own.

sofia.romps said...

So lovely! Fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

These would brighten my day! Thanks for this lovely giveaway.

Unknown said...

It's so awesome that you do this every week! So grateful for your generosity and talent.

bms said...

I would love this!

jenna said...

easy and wild, yes, please

kyli said...

this week sucks, flowers do not. pick me.

Caroline said...

Your flowers would certainly have the power to cheer up my boyfriend who lives in NY... I think everyone has the winter blues due to this outrageous weather.
Lovely, as always.

Mary Elizabeth Liberty said...

you inspire, again and again, would love to see an arrangement in person!

Unknown said...

Would love to win these! Having my dad and stepmom over for dinner for the first time in our new apartment on Saturday...this would make a great center piece.

Anonymous said...

Today is my birthday - even belated birthday flowers from you would be a treat and make this a good year I am sure! OH and did you know its the Lunar New Year today?

Caroline said...

Pretty! I like those hairy little poppy (?) pods.

Helen said...

easy and wild is my "about me".

forage craft collective said...

beautiful flowers- yes please!

alias the vicar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liza said...

those sweet peas were killing me the other day. death by flowers. More, please! lizalubell at gmail dot com

juliaclaire said...

I desperately want to make my coworkers jealous with this lovely bouquet!

Unknown said...

sweet pea afternoon
a grabful while passing
through a field somewhere

laurenheartswilliam said...

easy, wild & a little bit spirited. yes please! thanks for the chance to brighten the weekend.


Unknown said...

"easy" and "wild", huh? count me in! =P

pacificspecific said...

yeah! yeah!

Flim said...

Feeling a little blue myself. Would love this to cheer up my cube space! And I'll share w my coworker, whose bday is on Friday.
Thanks, Faith

AG said...

Oh, these would be perfect as a birthday present to my new mother-in-law!!

kathmontgomery22 at

El said...

I have to say your hunch is correct!

. said...

Awww...I can't beat these comments and sincere stories. haha, I just need some eye candy badly! My entire department needs eye candy after this horrid week of gray slush.

Unknown said...

You guys are awesome to do this every week!! And your work is so gorgeous! Would love to have some beautifulness around the office!

stephervescent said...

yes, please!

Georgette said...

Your bouquets are like dreams.

Receiving one would be a dream come true!

xo Georgette

Becca said...

gorgeous! Would love these to spice up the start to a 'easy & wild' weekend

Elena said...

For sure!

jason culler said...

sweet jesus!

Jessica said...

beautiful! like a little slice of spring

gloriousday said...

yes, a thousand times yes!

Unknown said...

I keep trying every week -- it'll happen!

Lesterhead said...

I am changing desks tomorrow- and some pretty flowers sure would look nice amidst the moving chaos!

Jemanda said...

should be having a baby this weekend. need flowers.

Brittany said...

i'm so envious that i don't live closer!! :(

Unknown said...

I love Poppies !!!!

Samantha said...

I found out about you through design*sponge and am in love with your floral style!

Some flowers would definitely brighten up my day/week/month as I try to keep myself busy while being unemployed!

Unknown said...

so beautiful! please pick me!!!

Michelle said...

yes please and thank you.