Thursday, November 24, 2011



Well, goodevening.
Happy Thanksgiving. Since that's where this rabbit hole has spit me out; we could start with that.

3:35 pm. My mother is making the necessary holiday preparations; there's a pancetta squash situation, a lot of sage being chopped. She makes it look effortless. I'm chained to my lap top; practically starving to death. Can't I have morsel to eat please? NEIN! She's german.
No she's not.

My father is in at the computer - last I checked - watching youtube videos of people crashing in planes. It's a festive day.

We break from our various projects to sample a pumpkin pie that came out of the oven first.

Now we've settled back in to work. Dad is out cutting wood stumps; props we'll use at next weekend's wedding. Eric is downstairs in the soap kitchen squirreling away bars for our Brooklyn shop. My mother; likely composing thoughtful yet firm emails to demanding wholesale clients. I bring her a cup of coffee after I finish peeling the potatoes.

Life just goes forward doesn't it? The mundane, everyday and the extraordinary - all lumped together in passing time.

Cocktail hour is not until 6:30, but here's toasting to you and yours this peace where it may exist in patches on this earth, to my friend Josh from NASA who says he can reverse climate change, to coffee klatches, to roaming packs of dogs, to family businesses, to farming, to plaster dust and to flowers.

I've got some freaking neat shit to tell you about. In time.
Till then, you know what? You can bake the stuffing in the turkey.


Anonymous said...

ah. good to see your post.

buy dedicated server said...

So pretty…I have gardenia bushes and roses that I cut from daily and put in tiny silver vases around the house – adore flowers!!

sarah-jane down the lane said...

whoa - now I am very intrigued... Happy Thanksgiving pumpkin and sage extravaganza,

Sarah x

lau said...

Enfin de retour !!!

blue roses said...

happy happy happy thanksgiving!

pancetta and squash sounds delightful, and i am sure your momma, like mine, is a mean lady with pumpkin pie.

sarahallium said...

happy to see you back even for a quick post. hope your thanksgiving was glorious. can't wait to hear more on what you are up to! hope the farm is treating you well. xo

count buckula said...

happy thanksgiving nea!

Amelia said...

Welcome back! Your dog has been missed.:)

Anonymous said...

good to see your post!

Unknown said...

Ah yes, we, too, have survived years of dressing baked IN the turkey. It's amazing that each year, no one is taken to the ER. Plus it's just so much better than the extra dressing baked alone in the pyrex.

I just order 1000 bulbs and have no idea what to do with them...but they were 40% off! Oh joy! It's an obsession.

Enjoy your planting!

CocoRosie said...

a bit late to this party post but {well said} milady ~xx