You know it's wedding season, don't you? We've been gearing up for a long time. Pumping iron. Weaning ourselves from sleep and regular meals. I drink so much coffee, it's incredible. People who think coffee is bad for you?
FUCK OUTTA HERE! Mothers milk, sons.
I've been doing a lot of photo shoots also, Martha Stewart (still havn't run into her to hit her up for that $cash$, but have another chance tomorrow)
The Erie Basin shoot I did Monday with Russell, Courtney and Nicolette is so fine, I think you'll cry. Next week it will be ready. You can take a peak at Russell's tumblr.
Taught a class over the NYBG studio's last night on fragrant flowers. They have such a beautiful facility in midtown for classes, and we didn't really have to clean up, which still does not make sense to me. Still spots avaialable in the June and September classes, check it out here.
What else is new...we realized our flower cooler was electrified due to a short fuse and so we've all been getting dosed with 1000 extra volts several times a day. In addition to all the coffee, the secret to our success?
I write a lot of things in my mind to you lately. I have to show you so many incredible things; peonys obviously but also bearded iris are blooming now and lilly of the valley is looking so good...lilac, although this has been a bad year for lilac due to the draught last summer and the long winter. If you have lilac bushes, please remember they like to be pruned back right at the end of their bloom cycle. Else you'll cut off next years bud formation.
I miss writing here, and more than; that your witty responses. But all over this town brides are becoming wives, and through June that uncanny process has to be my focus. That and a few days here and there tending sheep.
I enjoy whatever you share: photos, flower news, pop culture, ruminations, etc. Good to read about the realities of hanging your own sign, which in turn makes me think of Kiki's Delivery Service and Ratatouille.
wow, lovely work for Erie Basin! Excited to see more.
I love checking in with this blog. Your posts rock. Your flower arrangements are inspiring and ridiculously beautiful. Your photography is juicy and ethereal and very old masterish. Keep it coming :)
yes, please keep writing! saipua blog is my lunch break treat.
i stopped by the store last sunday and met nea, the sweetest dog in brooklyn, though probably the universe. the space is so lovely! and the soap i bought has perfumed my entire bathroom.
loving reading about what you are up to, even if it's sleepless nights and quick glimpses of flowers that are so heartbreakingly beautiful I wish we'd had a proper wedding. All those scented flowers are still just budding out here in Seattle, which is good. I'd be right pissed if they were blooming and I couldn't smell 'em because of an effing virus that I can't kick.
WORD on coffee. I am dead sick and running a fever and I still dragged my ass on a mile-long walk to get an espresso this morning.
Growing up, our deep freeze cooler in our basement would zap us if we were not wearing shoes. Not the MOST pleasant way to put some pep in your step but it sure does the trick.
Also, I just really like your blog. You are good stuff.
Thx for the tip on the lilac bushes; terrible season for those poor bastards. I only got one good bunch this year, but man, what a scent!
Just discovered your blog, it's beautiful! Love all the pictures. will be back!
Sheesh! Thanks for reminding me about the lilac bushes. I am terrible to forget. (mine didn't bloom last year for that reason).
I worked at a florist for five years and miss it terribly. Occasionally I'll get hit with the smell of the buckets of flowers (you know the one) and it catches me and brings me back to those busy days and the need for coffee, of course! Come back to share soon :)
oh oh oh... i'm going to keep pestering you about your book until it's on the shelves and then soon after in my hands. because i love your writing, and i love laughing. i also like that you shovel shit for the experience.
It seems that spammers advertising some Indian flower delivery service have found your blog. You might want to delete them.
That aside, your blog is wonderful, love the photography.
Gotta echo the sentiments of McKenzie here.
I've been checking out some Ikebana card books from the 60's & 70's---nothing fancy, just beautiful pix & postcards of arrangements by the authors all bound together in one volume---and it got me thinking: You already have so many gorgeous photos, a "pictorial wrap" book would be PERFECT! Hell, you could make SEVERAL---one for each season, weddings, funerals, a "Best of" series...etc. Then sell the shit outta of 'em. I'll take an autographed 1st edition, thank you very much.
i come here a lot because i like it a lot. agreed. we would all buy your book. be kind + good to yourself through this crAzAy!
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that erie basin shoot blew my mind.
Your this blog site is really awesome! You've done lots of excellent work! I hope your success.
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