Monday, March 21, 2011

happy spring, fools





I get real real cranky about spring. People come out of the woodwork and walk around giddy, making happy plans to do things like picnic and go for bike rides. Fuck that, I'm glad that it's sleeting out today. And I'm going to continue hoping for near-freezing temperatures for the next few weeks, while I keep the shutters closed and listen to will oldham on repeat.

That's all.

OK so I might organize a trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden to see the magnolia grove because it's going to be in full bloom by the beginning of next week. But thats all.


margaret said...

Hey Sarah, Would you be able to share what your source is for those pedestal bowls?


Anonymous said...

Totally diggin' all the whites and green in those arrangements. Bought a shade plant "spring kit" with lily of the valley, ivy, and japanese painted fern. We'll see how it goes...I mean grows.

bowstreetflowers said...

Sarah!!! is that Sanguisorba in the back of the arrangements? Where the heck is that from? My absolute favorite weed.

Audrey said...

Just like the way you write your post !!

Megs said...

Awwwwwww! Don't be such a cranky butt! LOL! You crack me up. I definitely am one of the spring loving fools, but I sure do have my moments (like today) where something that ruined everyone's good mood would entertain me to no end.

jess said...

My mom texted me a picture of fresh snowfall in Woodstock today. Waves of jealousy, just washing over me. There's something infuriating about everyone being all chipper when in fact, spring means we're fast approaching the humid, sweat-stained inferno that is summer in NY.

Anonymous said...

oh that ranunculus! Im in love!

gillian. said...

What's the flowering branch in the last photo called? I love love.

Anonymous said...

shit. been there: BBG that time of year, nice work. Once took a detour to smell the lilacs there instead of other pertinent tradeshow BS. Best decision ever.

Anonymous said...

Love the things you do overthere!
Can´t stop thinking of your nationality. Saippua-soap?
Thanks! Ulrika- A fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

what is that blossoming branch used in the last picture with the little sweet white and yellow flower? love it.

{the hort couture gardener} said...

Oh be still my beating heart - could these images (or for that matter, your entire blog!) be any more exquisite? I dream of one day owning my own little piece of heaven such as yours. Until then I shall be saving my pennies to visit your little slice of perfection on a plate!

ata08 said...

i love this, totally fixed my own cranky-ass mood. said...

Thanks so much for this post, quite effective info.