Thursday, February 24, 2011






I have to run out the door - have given myself only until 7:30 to write this - but want to tell you a bit about these gorgeous strawberries-and-cream begonias I have, and how I wanted to make an arrangement with them - but didn't want to cut them up since they are so pretty. So I stacked an urn inside another urn, the bottom one has the plants; the top a floral arrangement. Problem solving.

In other news, I'm now on the advisory board of Garden Design Magazine! So thrilled about this....and about sharing bits of the magazine here.

Lastly, the weeks just fly by, and it's time again for free flower friday - comment to win some flowers delivered to you in Manhattan or Brooklyn tomorrow. We select a winner at random around 6pm tonight and will email the winner then. Good luck chickens! [HELEN #44 WINS!]

ah ha! 7:29! mark the calendar, sound the alarm, pop the champagne - meeting self imposed deadlines rarely happens...


Helen said...

congratulations on meeting the deadline! inspiring.

Jaime Rugh said...

as always, most gorgeous pictures, ever!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Exciting news.

blue roses said...

i have been job searching in manhattan, so hopefully will be re-locating to brooklyn soon, and can visit your shop regularly and enter the free flowers. always so luscious and gorgeous, your pictures.

j said...

Congrats on joining the board! Love these photos, could definitely use some flowers - Spring is taking too long to get here!

Unknown said...

i love free flower friday! cheers!

emmeline said...

yes! i'm coming in to town tonight so i can ask for flowers for myself instead of my sister per usual...

Lime Street said...

Congratulations on the advisory board! I'll be in the city for the next few days, so I can finally enter Free Flower Friday!

Caroline said...

Received an arrangement from your shop last weekend when I came to visit as a belated valentine's day present and they are remarkable! They even survived the bus ride upstate. If I were to win, I'd send them to my lovely boyfriend because I know he would appreciate having something as much as I did! He was as almost as excited as me when I got them! Thanks guys; you're all awesome.

Dandlion said...

You make me want to attempt to grow begonias, they are lovely

Karen said...

I wish I were in Brooklyn! The photos on your site take my breath away, they are so lovely and fragile-looking. Every day I choose a new one for my desktop wallpaper. Thank you for sharing!

alicia said...

I am coming to NYC today to visit my brother for his birthday! It's a sign!

Unknown said...

free flower fridays!
hey hey hey!!


ooooh! looking forward to more from garden design! what a great resource!

Unknown said...

Beautifully done. You blow me away as always!

No flowers for this portland girl, i just get to enjoy your photos.

El said...

my begonias are not nearly as happy and healthy XD;

Brooke Howsley said...

So excited for you to be involved with Garden Design! What a great collaboration :).

Julie said...

So lovely! Fingers crossed for a win...

roni said...

beautiful pics! you make begonias look so glamorous!

jennie said...

yay, free flower friday

Lizania Cruz said...

So beautiful.

Lisa said...

Ah, I love begonias. And Garden Design! I interned there in college.

What Possessed Me said...

Oh, how I dearly love begonias. What variety are they? I need a new crop of begonias for my garden as I killed mine last year...

Also: Friday flowerzzzz pls.

Unknown said...

I would love some of these gorgeous flowers!

jess said...

congratulations! wield that power, girl...

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Have you worked much with Jewel Orchids? Now I've got an idea of something to do with the ones blooming in my kitchen for a tea party I'm hosting on Sat - thanks for the idea! - Jody

Shayna said...

Totally perfectly imperfect, as usual. Love it!

La Principita said...

Congrats on the deadline and being on the advisory board! I am on a winning streak, having won something every friday for the past 3 fridays. Make it number 4. :-)

Léah said...

what beautiful flowers. i'm really inspired by your work.

Pea Snap said...

I love begonias! What a beautiful idea.

Georgette said...


Your work never ceases to inspire awe in me!


vgraham said...

I love seeing the roots in the 2nd picture. Love your bracelets too!

Raq said...

What lovely begonias!

sam said...

beautiful! would love some flowers on this grey day.

Caroline said...

Any chance of more of those poppies from last Friday's post showing up? They're so pretty. Congratulations on the board! Hooray for free flower friday!

Katherine Kellgren said...

Just Heavenly!

Unknown said...

flowers! <3

Unknown said...
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tizzy lish said...

oh i could really use some flowers for a grey february day

jenna said...

i always love the light in your photos.

and congrats!

Le said...

Love that color!

Anonymous said...

Begonias are my favorites. Love.

Helen James said...

Beautiful pics as usual. I would love some flowers to brighten up the gloomy winter and I would love your flowers more than anyone elses, crossing my fingers

Unknown said...

Even if I don't win flowers, at least I can admire them on your blog!

Unknown said...

Do you deliever to new zealand ....Please!! :)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous as always! Would love to win! :)

kmontcaltech said...

I love the new Garden Design Magazine! It is SO beautiful and exciting and modern.

And I'd like some free flowers delivered to Brooklyn tomorrow. 3rd time's a charm, maybe?

kathmontgomery22 at

Anonymous said...

heading to a surprise engagement party... i would think flowers from saipua would make the sweetness of the event even more overwhelming!

Shelly said...

These images bring to mind a 19th century still lovely. And you give floral beauty in the middle of winter...double lovely. Thank you.

Grace said...

If I won, I would send the flowers to my friend in Manhattan who loves Nea.

Amazing arrangement and photography--hells yes!

Elena said...


pacificspecific said...


Flim said...

i need it to be spring in ny. the snow melting is not enough!

Amy said...

One of my favorite arrangements yet! Love the begonias!
Also, congrats on joining the magazine!

Jen J. said...

Yaaaaay for flowers! I'd love to send some to my friend in Manhattan to start her weekend off right. I have flowers on my fireplace to pretend it's spring already.

. said...

I spy the lil horsey in photo #1! Loving the rustic romantic look of the arrangement.

southern fried chickpea said...
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southern fried chickpea said...


beckyhanna said...

So Romantic!