Were you ever tempted to eat a berry you knew was poisonous. Because you could. Because it was right there in front of you, and the act of simply throwing your head back and popping into your mouth was the simplest action conceivable in that moment...the precipice...
I had a dream last night that I was vacationing in a dinosaur park. There were little veloceraptors all over but they were friendly. Then I found one that had been spray painted - tagged with graffiti. Fucking tourists! I felt sad for him. Then he squatted to take a shit and I thought, ew, gross, dinosaurs.
Today's my day off.
I've been filtering through my Iceland images - two of those above are from the Botanical Garden in Akureyri. A larger post on Iceland coming soon over at the Little Flower School.
Jesus sarah. I can't stop laughing. I'm gonna be he idiot laughing to myself in public when I remember this post later today. You should do stand-up. Maybe at my bday party in June? Haha.
re: poisonous berries, YES. many times. especially when i was little and they were everywhere.
also - iceland? i'm going in june and i can't wait for your post because i always prefer personal recommendations over guide books!
Iceland! How did I miss that on your website...Please post some thoughts and your favorites from your trip. Our flight is booked for March.
I hate it when they graffiti the wildlife. I guess its the challenge of tagging something moving.
Did I never teach you about the 'imp of the perverse'??
wow, those pictures are great.. you got the talent to take wonderful moments. keep it up...
LOL! What a random dream! Silly dinos...
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