I had a dream that I was helping Ariella at her house. She was leaving on a train trip and prepared for me all sorts of notes and instructions in a packet. As soon as she left I tore open the package, and there were many letters I was suppose to deliver for her, including a letter addressed to me. But the letter was blank so I set it on fire. She had written on the paper in oil - all her flower secrets - and as the fire consumed the paper I could read them, but only for a second before they were gone. Burned up.
Considering throwing all caution to the wind and sacrificing my favorite angel wing begonia to bouquet making.
Making soap.
Taking a lot of long walks.
The anthurium is beautiful in the dark color!!! And the Protea... Lovely!!!
your dream made me laugh out loud...alice (my 3 year old) wanted to know what I was giggling about. "Flower dreams, and ariella's secrets." what a tease!
Ha! I dream of Ariella too!!!
lets walk. -la
Oh Erin, this is too funny... All the way from Seattle, we bump into each other again. :)
And oh to have just a few of Ariella's secrets...
Seriously, you have to tell us the secrets-I don't care if it was only a dream! Will Ariella be the person we all tell stories about in 40 years and noone else will know what we're on about?
Your dream life is quite interesting. You could write movies with stuff like that!
you conjure beautiful visions
sigh ... these flowers are gorgeous. Wish you lived in Seattle; I'd try and barter a place at our French dinner party this Saturday (a whole meal built around the foie gras we brought back from the Parisian leg of our honeymoon) for the pleasure of putting this bouquet on the table. Exquisite.
please, take me to that dream with you. i need those secrets.
I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
that ranunculus makes me ache. and chocolate anthuriums are maybe even better than chocolate. i miss your soaps!
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