It is the grayest morning in nyc. crummy. in an anxious fit i dig out a half-eaten piece of coffee cake from the bottom of my purse and eat it in 5 seconds flat. coffee pot is already turned off. so many loose ends to tie up this week, and i am overwhelmed. but i found these pictures of my hammer pants from this summer. in my iphoto i flicker back and forth between the two so it looks like im animated. temporary relife.

Incidently, did you know MC Hammer is bankrupt?
Mc Mahon and Mc Hammer in the same vid? Now THAT's crazytime!
please hammer don't hurt em
boh boh good luck on getting your things done
apparently it really is hammer time. my new, super bad ass Brazilian employee makes (and rocks) them:
i went to an mc hammer concert when i was a youngster. he and vanilla ice were to headline. vanilla didnt show up because he heard the local gangs were after him...the local gangs in montgomery, al had beef with vanilla ice. whodathunkit? needless to say, i was crushed.
After witnessing such genius as this when I was a kid, I dont see how.
you go ahead with your bad self, girl!
i mean, here, check this out...
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