Are you all sick of seeing
ranunculus? A woman came in the other day and said to me: "I've been reading your posts and you sure like
ranunculus." Made me feel I need to branch out a bit. That's my goal for the spring...to use flowers I wouldn't
normally. Having coffee, Eric just finishes flipping though NYLON and says
out loud "I'm kind of afraid of LA."
I never get sick of looking at beautifully arranged ranunculus!
Yeah.. ra-ra-ranunculus! better than endless posts on roses,non? And it shows that you use what's in season.But I guess it's always good to branch out(excuse bad pun)
me either!
I agree. The ranunculus is one of my favorite flowers.
omg, was that me?! 'Cause, I think they are amazing! I'm now flower conscience :)
All ranunculus, all the time. And lovin' every minute of it.
ranunculus are the new black!!! and yes...be very afraid of LA it scares me too and i live here.
The people who receive your flowers don't tire of ranunculus, I'm sure. But if you lead down a new path, I'll follow.
i'm with the others- there can never be too many photos of ranunculus! and you consistently add different creative elements to your work. never repetitive.
that being said... ranunculus shmanunculus. you could make the dangerous weeds growing in front of my apartment look fly.
they are my favorite flower, I love how you use them!
I'd love to see you work with some french pussy willows or mimosa; I've being seeing quite a bit of both lately and think you could do something amazing with them!
Ok, maybe i was fishing for reassurance...ya'll are too kind. Mimosa it is!
So she follows your blog, comes into your store, and critiques you?! This is unacceptable. You should have slapped her upside the head with a wine bottle and yelled "WHAT, YOU'RE SICK OF RANUNCULUS? DON'T COME CRYING TO ME IN JULY WHEN YOU CAN'T GET 'EM, YOU WHORE!" That's what I would have done. (In my head).
Whhhhhoooooooo would get sick of ranuculus.....pure beauty in my eyes!
ranunculus are the most perfect and imperfect flower and need to be given the attention they deserve.
and i agree that it is always good for the environment, our pocketbooks and even just our seasonal nostalgia feelings to be using flowers that are in season.
Having just compulsively and feverishly spent way too much on some ranunculus, sucks to the naysayers!
Who on earth gets sick of ranunculas? They are like an instant smile maker.
It sounds like everyone agrees! I am obsessed with ranunculus. It was ranunculus that led me to an obsession with Saipua! Thanks for all the amazing arrangements. Total inspiration.
Here is a psychotic ranunculus devotion I wrote when I first started my blog:
Can't wait to see what's next.
I LOVE the ranunculus and the french anemones! keep them coming!
LA=no. frightening.
I'M sick of ranunculus! That mess SUXX... I'd rather put a burrito in the microwave!
there is no shame in ranunculus!!
Ranunc's are pretty much the not-so-boring flowers ever! I really enjoy seeing them on your blog! BTW, I'm in love with you Milk Glass vases!!! I try to collect them as I come across them.
Ranunculus, one of the best!
Apologies for being a double commenter, but it made me think seeing the word ranunculus over and over.. that surely this must be the prettiest flower with the ugliest name? It rhymes with carbunculus.. which I kinda made up..For this reason alone it deserves our devotion.
But agree with Donna, if there's any mimosa going would love to see that x
xoxo ranunculus.
I never tire of ranunculus they are my second favourite flower after anenomes! Im hoping to have them both in my bridal boquet next year! I love your blog and your beautiful flowers I just wish you were in the UK so you could do my wedding flowers. x
Ranunculus are gorgeous! Plus, it's a fun word to say. If you considering branching out, though, other floral gorgeousness includes peonies (so lovely, so costly), quince branches, and horsetail.
do your thing
i'm with megan...slap a ho.
oh wait i mean, cringe and scowl behind her back and then smile sweetly.
heavens no! ranunculuseseses are awesome. i never know where to buy them for myself so i have to satiate my love for them via the internet. keep 'em coming.
I love your arrangements and ranunculus but I think you should consider doing more dahlia arrangements. I think dahlias are pretty amazing.
I never get tired of them! ranunculus makes everything sweet but intriguing and it's as if they're two different flowers from closed to opened!! can't go wrong!
I have gone through every single blog entry sine you started and I am IN AWE! You are the most talented florist I've seen in a long time. Thanks for all the eye candy! I have saved what feels lika a thousand pictures to take to my florist for my wedding. You don't do weddings in Sweden, right :)
so great flower suite!!!
I like.
skype zhcharlie
msn zhcharlie@hotmail.com
Goodness, there is a great deal of effective info above!
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