Wednesday, August 15, 2012

on not being busy, and calling all Vermonters








We've been living at the farm lately, and I loose myself here. Ignoring my computer for a few days which is so good for me since I normally feel like a fucking slave to it. What I want to tell you is that I'm not busy. I read this article (thanks to L&B for pointing it out) about how new yorkers love to talk about how busy they are; and I realize I've done that a lot this year. It's annoying - when someone talks about how busy they are because really it sounds like a boast. And there's a place for boasting, but openly and without foil please! The humble boast irritates me like nothing else. It irritates me like Paul Ryan talking about Ayn Rand irritates me. It irritates me like people who are against wind power irritate me. Or like when people in rest areas fumble through the doors trying not to touch the handle because of germs. Ooh this is fun...

Anyway, I'm loafing! puttering! gardening! toodle-ing! I didn't touch flowers for a few weeks, then the poppies started to bloom and I did what any one of you cutters would do; I snipped them and made it into an arrangement. All flowers from the farm. Felt good.

Look, I have a message for any of you Vermonters reading; if I haven't turned you off with my ranting; I need some help. Saipua is coming to Stowe for a big job next weekend and I'm looking for some help (we pay 20/hour some gardening/floral experience needed) and I'm also looking for someone who might have a big garden with things in it I might cut and buy. Like we have this gorgeous wild clematis that grows all over here that I want to exist there...if you're interested email me.


Anonymous said...

Are you tearing down the barn?

Sarah Ryhanen said...

GOD NO, we're trying desperately to save it.
More on that soon...

Laura (Blogging Over Thyme) said...

Gorgeous photos!!

Jo said...

Girl, you are getting a little too good at taking amazing photos. You're making the rest of us feel bad.

Allisunny S. said...

I wish I could transport myself to Vermont!!!!

Nancy said...

Burned barn pictures? Is everything okay?

Mlle Paradis said...

congrats on the big 1000 and on not being busy. it's all good!

Mung Lar said...

Man Sarah, I've missed your photos. They are just gorgeous!! And just so you know, the people in California do the same and it irks me like nothing else. Busy has become a status symbol around here. Meanwhile I'm the only one who is really doing anything. ha! Makes me crabby. Enjoy the downtime.

Liza said...

I read that article and reread it every week to remind myself what the real goals are. Fuck being busy.

Unknown said...

That poppy ='s AMAZING! (Is it Patty's Plum?)

Carmel said...

Those poppies are nuts.
The problem with everyone wanting to be so busy is you feel like a lazy bum when you say you're taking things slow...

Valley Flower Company said...

Vermonter Here...I have some delightful hookups. Get at me dog.

Unknown said...

But wait, have you been futzing?

Maura said...

Your flowers, photos, and arrangements totally make me swoon, so gorgeous!

edi gardner said...

You are busy. Busy with thoughts....
Try Stray Cat Farm

Becky @ Roost Flowers said...

you should check with Nicole at Painted Tulip.

Linda said...

I read that article, and it made me feel better about NOT being super busy & booked up at all hours of the day. It feels good to admit that. :)

CocoRosie said...

ridiculous arrangement. read that article too and it was so spot on. may the poppies keep poppin' ~xx

Grapevine! said...

Love your posts, you write like I think. Also love your images, they are stunning!

fern said...

when "true busy" conversations happen, I leave feeling inspired and lighter, ready to jump into something I love and happy for them... the other "busy" talks just come from unhappy people thinking work and projects will make them satisfied, they leave me thinking I am a bum, that is because they are not real, they are doing it only for the status symbol being busy represents.
Love your authenticity Sarah, its efreshing, like your flowers.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see "the fade" of that arrangement. Memento mori, my friend.

Lesley Deysel said...

I agree with you so very much on the "busy" thing. It's like it's mandatory in our society to be complaining about how busy you are 24/7 or else you don't really exist.

count buckula said...

enjoy your vaction

Sally May said...

Hear, hear. I have a pet peeve about the obsessive busyness of the western society. Even in the so called laid back Australian culture. "How are you?" has been replaced by "Are you busy?" I love seeing people's confused look when I reply with a confident "no". Busy appears to equate to productivity which equals success and importance... Bollocks to that. Let's all embrace voluntary simplicity and watch the changing afternoon light.

jessie pearl said...

It is really good!thanks for sharing the blog and keep on updating the blog.

shot for slim

Vent Flowers said...

Your work and photography is simply amazing!

Yes Roses said...

This is some of the best photography I've seen!

Flowers Delivery Melbourne said...

Great post, your photos are fantastic!

Melbourne Florist said...

Thanks for sharring such amazing photos.

Sympathy flowers Melbourne said...

Stunning ophotographs! Good work!


These images are breathtaking! I haven't been to Vermont in 2 decades. Maybe it's time for a trip...