Monday, July 9, 2012



I can see how it might be a slippery slope to becoming a nudist.

I'm just saying I've had a few experiences lately that have lead me to believe this.
You always think; nudist colonies = nut jobs. And you list, perhaps quietly as part of an internal dialog reasons why being a nudest - or lets just say practicing acts of nudism - is absurd. Sunburn. Plastic seats. Winter


Expression is an interesting thing. There was a gardener, Ruth Stout who Eric and I have been reading a little here and there. She wrote a book called Gardening Without Work: For the Aging the Busy and the Indolent (this appealed to me on so many levels) and she was known to garden in the nude. How fun! I thought. I'm going to try it.

So yesterday I spent the day without clothes on. Trying to harden myself to bugs in the garden. Thing is, you just don't want to get stuck on the other side of the farm if someone stops by for a visit. I consider this lightly.



There are so many lessons here for me. It hasn't rained in over a month. We watch our 10 acre cover crop barely hold on. I find myself furiously checking the weather every hour; needing to have some control over it. But there is no control here, only the illusion of it. This is a hard lesson for me. Harder still is to watch nature and understand that there is just this moment. 





A snake runs across my path, a frog jumps out at me. Last night a pack of cayotes ran through howling and yipping just as I was falling asleep. Erie and wonderful. 

Kumbaya little chickens! 


Liane said...

i just spent some time naked in the out of doors myself. i'm a fan. but still think nudist colonies are kind of creepy.

edi gardner said...

The 3rd picture reminds me of Christina's World. Lovely as always

Anonymous said...

might want to keep a pair of shorts and a t shirt handy just in case you ARE on the other side of the farm when company comes by. Your photos just get better and better.

An Urban Cottage said...

Love the hay bales and beets photos.

monica said...

it's kinda crazy that less than a year ago you were trying to figure out a way to buy the farm! Look what you have wrought in such a little time.
Truly amazing Sarah!

The Field of Gold said...

Final photo. Stunning.

cloudgathererholdmedown said...

how liberating! - the act and your contemplations

Ally Ann said...

written beautifully and so truthful.

Katie said...

What a gorgeous hardworking breathtaking dream of a place.

becky @ Roost Flowers said...

naked farming, huh? damn, you're brave...I don't think I have it in me!

addie said...

these types of posts are exactly why I come back here so often. The photos, the flowers and opening lines like that one. :)

Anne-Marie said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos.

skong said...

Be as nature intended. You are love.

Meg said...

SO exciting and inspiring to see all the progress you've made in such a short time. In my eyes you are the most talented floral designer in all the land, but obviously that's only the beginning of your many gifts. And enjoy Australia, you will love it! Wish I could come...

kate o said...

Have you seen, "Off the Map?" I watched it ages ago, but I'm pretty sure it was good. Anyway the mom gardens in the nude. And the little girl has all the schemes to get loads of junk food for free. And the dad is seriously depressed. And there's an IRS agent who abandons his job and starts to paint. Oh's a good one.

Unknown said...

I just came back from Germany, meeting my husband's part of the family that, after 13 years, I had never met. Uncles, cousins, second cousins...30 new people in my family. But please--if you choose to become a nudist, please don't subject your extended family members who barely know you to a slide show of all of your family vacations where you chose not to wear clothes. Just sayin...two hours of naked photos, narrated in German (which I do not speak), really is a bit too much. Wishing you a hearty rain soon...

sweet harvest moon said...

beautiful pictures and great story!

Unknown said...

hi there, over from country weekend jen's place...

friends of ours opened a naturist (nudist) camping site back in our old digs. very popular. they do all the gardening and hard physical labour sans clothing. i don't get it myself, but bare feet? oh yes yes.

coyotes howling, excellent.

TELL YA WHAT said...

I am OBSESSED with Ruth Stout. She is super inspiring.

You should check out this little youtube video on her.

My favorite parts are when she is planting and she just throws the seeds on the ground. She is a gangsta gardener.

Apparently all the menfolk in the neighborhood used to drive real slow past their farm hoping to catch a glimpse.

cheap cosplay costumes said...

Love the pretty photos!These photos are so fresh and nature!Stunning!

Natalie said...

amazing post. i clearly need a bigger expanse of land to try this naked gardening, but for now I'll live vicariously through you and your gorgeous dark house/sundown farm/winding road photos. love it all. keep up the good work. fight the good fight. all that good stuff, congrats.

amit said...

very very beautiful photo and nice story. I like your photo and stoty..

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SophieEllen said...

Excellent work and research. I will be sure to follow to get the latest on this subject. Thanks for sharing...

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