Listening to all my pop hits and having coffee getting geared up for today's wedding. Dreading all the boutonnieres I have to make here in a second. And wrist corsages, don't get me started.
These gorgeous flowers are all from a private tutelage I did with a lovely lady from overseas last week. She's starting her flower business and we spent two days together talking everything from bouquet making to budgeting (as if I am qualified to teach someone about that! I always overspend at the market).
With our in-depth classes and private lessons, my biggest goal is to impart all the lessons that took me so many years to learn. SO MANY LESSONS. Here's a few simple ones:
*Get paid before the wedding.
*Label boutonnieres with first names so Uncle over there doesn't grab one thinking it's his and then you have to remake the Groom's 10 minutes before the ceremony. You definitely don't want to take a boutonniere off someone. Come on.
*If you take a "portfolio wedding" you know you will loose money and run out of time to actually shoot it for your portfolio, so for gods sake ask someone else to take the pictures.
*If you're waffling about whether to bring in help/extra people you should. And pay those people.
*Never ever ever use hand dyed silk ribbon as streamers on a bridal bouquet before testing it to see if it bleeds when wet.
*Always stop and send someone for lunch.

It's funny to think of teaching, since I often feel like a total fraud in this business. Go into a meeting without remembering to clean my fingernails; and ask clients to just trust me. I need to buck up, stop waxing self indulgent and remember it's to my advantage that I'm self taught, and if I'm still sometimes googling youtube videos on how to make wrist corsages, so be it!!!
That said, if you're still interested; there's a spot or two left in our NYC August classes. Nicolette is a real deal professional; I'll be there for comic relief. And very excited to announce that it looks like we will be doing a teaching stint in AUSTRALIA! in either November or March...more info on that coming soon.

I'm with you on all of those points. I would also add that its going to be harder, take longer but be more enjoyable than you could imagine!
I love that you are teaching. I think so much more is learned from the school of hard knocks than just being told what to do. At least that's what I tell myself when I go that route.
Love these lessons! Also good to know that I'm in good company on the YouTube-ing corsage videos.Ha!
One day(soon.fingers crossed!) I'm going to take one of your classes!
this is perfect advice. i wish i could delete wrist corsages from my list of services. i like that you think you're still scrappy. but you're not.
Hope you'll consider coming to Perth when you do classes, and not just the east coast. There's loads of us over here, and it seems a shame to come so far and then not visit the west coast!
Such great advice. I've learned each of these the hard way w/the exception of the dyed ribbon—thanks for saving me from that one! And amen on the wind. Wondering if there are any tricks on planning accordingly?
Sarah, I love your posts. Thank you for keeping it real and for making the rest of us "pretend professionals" feel like it's ok to share our knowledge.
Please come to Clifton Hill,Melbourne when you are here in Australia.We even have a room with a mezzanine bed for you to stay in out the back of our flower shop.And a coffee machine.
And New Zealand. It's going to be a big trip.
As an Aussie and longtime reader of this blog, I just wanna say "What the WHAT?!?" and also "FUCK YEAH!". And if anonymous is from the florist I think they are from, they have super rad flowers and style. And are next to one of the best cafes in Melbourne. Do it!
Holy mother of god you're coming to Oz??!!!!!!
I could not be more jealous of the lady who had that tutoring! Please come and do classes in England one day!!
Great advises! lovely writing as always.
I think you're about to find out how many Australian fans you have!! Please please please come to Sydney and save me the trip to America!
Well said! I actually spent yesterday unpinning/repinning boutonnières on the the groom and the rest of the wedding party as they were heading to the chuppah... I always wonder, if you're a wedding planner, and you see a box with a bunch of different boutonnières, why you wouldn't think to ask someone about who has what?
And if you're headed to the southern hemisphere, you have to stop in NZ... Especially if you're still thinking about the sheep...
Australia! YES! Please say Sydney...
Yay! Australia! I'm sure I'm dreaming but pretty please, say Brisbane!
MELBOURNE PLEASE!!!! I will book into any class straight away! So I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW!
You are a woman of many talents!
Thank you for always sharing.
I vote for PERTH! although i will fly anywhere in Oz to see you .... Heck i was going to fly to NYC to see you! when? where? please let us know details. SO excited!
I guess Boston will not get you enough frequent flyer miles
Love this inspiration on this post. Got my eye on your blog now.
I just about wet my pants. PLLEEASE come to Aus! I'm with the Perth girls, but i'll fly anywhere like Anonymous up there. Yay!
I think we all feel like frauds at times, you are not alone.
Awesome advices!
What The!!!!
You are coming here, to Australia?? I am such an admirer of your work, but I am not a florist, and I don't swear,(Aussie humour) but, can I still attend your classes? Please?
Yes, do come to Melbourne.
Thank you for the sound advice and for the endlessly inspiring work and words you share!
Over the moon to hear of your plans to come to the southern hemisphere, I'm from NZ so would love it if you came here but would happily go to Australia for classes too..
Can't wait!!
I don't mind which state/s you decide on, I'm signing up!! November and March are both beautiful seasons and will hopefully avoid the stinkin hot summer days in between those months. Having said all that I think that Melbourne's weather might be to your taste ;)
Beside myself excited!!! YES Melbourne. DO IT.
Holly crap, and all this time I've been planning a trip to New York.
definitely melbourne! that would be amazing. Although I'm a potter rather than a florist - but i just love all the beautiful-ness
Wait, are you saying the fraud feeling never goes away?
Looks like you have a few Ausie fans...you are so adored. Keep spreading words of advice and experience, like weekly.
Did you say classes in Australia??? Wow, I was planning a trip to go to New York. Oh my...that would be awesome!!! (crossing my fingers that it's in Sydney haha)
You're coming to Australia!??! It's like dream come true!! Please please please come to Melbourne!!!
Holy crap Sarah, if YOU feel like a fraud, what the hell are the rest of us doing?!? Amazing designer and teacher, you are!!
London please!
I would SO love take a class with you in Melbourne, Sarah. That would be amazing. Your stunning designs are so inspiring. Book us in!!!
Such great advices!!!
I vote to London!
AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I am dying, WHEN?? Have you set a date?? WHERE??? I have got to know more?? Please don't leave a girl hangin....
Sydney! Please! EEE!
(I laughed when I saw everyone's prior posts).
Yes - Sydney please!!! I love your work and would love to be a part of one of your classes as would my girlfriends!
Nice pictures thanks for sharing the blog.Keep on update the blog.
kosmetyki profesjonalne
Would love to come along to a class in Melbourne! Hopefully be there in march.
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