Whenia not make a da weddings i a make a da emailings and tzen i a make a da dinner and opening da wine and talk about da soil structure
Whenia not make a da weddings or talk about da soil structure i a take a da meetings with a da clients at da country clubs and get in da trouble for dressing in da jeans
Whenia not washada dog ina da bathtub after she makea love to carcass ofa dead raccoon, then ia use da internet to learn about da rabis. itsa not a joke a
mama mia!
When i not a doa dis tings i make a airplane travel with the professor to da sunny shine state to make flower classes for da students and i take a da picture of flowers that grow by the road like a precious diamonds. You look at me instagramo!
Ha! You are always funny, but I hooted out loud at this one. My boyfriend inquired of my hooting, "Brooklyn blogger?", which is how I refer to you whenever I look up from my computer and talk at him about ranunculus or crop cover or crazy dogs (I am a florist, we aspire to own a farm, we have a crazy dog). Enjoya da sunny shiny tripa makeeng!
Ha! You are hilarious! I love that you got in trouble for wearing jeans to the country club. I am always sadly underdressed for those occasions. Last time I was like "Hey, I thought I looked good, these are my dressy jeans!" Have a great trip, would love to get to one of your classes one day.
You are a goof. I know what you mean about the raccoon. (We just had a recent trip to the vet....)
The flowers, as always, are lovely. Soak in some CA sun for us.
Dear God, why do dogs have to roll around in dead things? If only they could all smell like fresh lilacs or something. Have fun in the sun, chica!
My favorite country club ooops was when I wore jeans (dark ones, sheesh) and the thin-lipped angry lady behind the desk silently interrupted my meeting to hand me a brochure about the dress code: with large drawings of what not to wear, in red circles with slashes through the middle. Not a lot of words, written for the illiterate maybe?
Not that you need another notch on the life-ambitions list, but here goes: you really must come do a class in Santa Barbara. Because then I could attend. And Santa Barbara kicks butt when it comes to local farms, a ton of designers, and not to mention roadsidia, sistah. And it's warmer than Oakland. And I'll have margaritas waiting.
soooooper excited for tomorrows class!!! Woot!!!
Your flowers are truly amazing, great job!
That is hilarious! Life is da life!
The day is finally here! So excited to be attending your class today. Hope the East Bay has its sunshine rolled out for you!
thank you SO MUCH for making my day better
Love that teal color!!
You have an INSANELY wonderful way with flowers. I love your work, and your photos. I wish I wasn’t on the other side of the world so I could come to all of your classes … .
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You are fabulous!The flowers are so beautiful!
wheniasee a funny thing like this I laughmya••off
i love your jacket too. Where did you get it so canalook like you?
good blog that I never saw one like it I love that picture
You have a lovely blog here, beautiful pictures. Thanks!
your work is divine, your humor, however, is disappointing. For someone so original to use a dated and cliched stereotype. and yes, I am an Italian from Tuscany and we take great pride in our language, so I'm sad to see it mocked in this way
Thank you for your comment, I am really sorry to offend you. Yours is a beautiful language, truly.
You have made me think a great deal about the humor that I employ here.
I really don't want to sensor myself here, but I also don't want to hurt anyone.
Uh oh, my first thougth was - you are so gonna get into trouble over this - a little bit of self-irony and a sense of humour makes the world a funnier place. Italian might be a beautiful language, does that mean one cannot pull its linguistic leg?
Love your flowers.
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