Thursday, February 17, 2011

Free Flower Drill - #22 WINS!




Comment to win flowers delivered to your door in Brooklyn and Manhattan tomorrow!
Good luck!


Unknown said...

The question is which supplier did you get them from. Not from even near NY so i won't be posting much more than that... but i would LOVE to know where one could get them.... I love them and they are gorgeously feminine and beautiful!

Victoria said...

Please pick me! I'll be forever grateful.


Alice said...

gah, so gorgeous, the photos and the flowers themselves. crossing my fingers :D

Lesterhead said...

I have a new desk, and some flowers would be lovely to decorate.

Kaveri said...

Me, me, me, me, me!

Unknown said...

big money, big money, no whammy, stop!

thank you in advance saipua.

bigBANG studio said...

aw shucks, you guys don't deliver to rajasthan?

ok, well my west village-based cousin just announced she and her adorable husband are going to have a baby, so i'll cross my fingers for some heavenly saipua enchantment to go her way!


jenna said...

so, so beautiful!

Sarah C said...

love love love!

Marie Pech said...

awww, i keep posting every week and nada. i would love some flowers! (i got zip for valentine's day) :)

Marianne said...

pick me, pick me!

sofia.romps said...

So lovely. Me please!

Unknown said...

reminds me to pause and smell the ranunculuses!

Unknown said...

60 degrees AND flowers?! yes, please!

Unknown said...

hubba hubba!!

jess said...

yes yes yes.

Shayna said...

Um, so how do they make the tulips all.... checkerboardy?

La Principita said...
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La Principita said...

Tulips are simply my favorite flower. Ok...I love all flowers. They are definitely top ten. Magic loterry thingy, pick me.

The other comment didn't have my email. This one does. :-)

Le said...

Oh so lovely on a February day!

ata08 said...

oh my, so so pretty...

jennifer said...

that first photo just knocked my socks off. just sayin.

Lisa said...

This is seriously the highlight of my Thursdays.

Katherine Kellgren said...

Your work is breathtaking. What a beautiful reminder that spring is on it's way! said...

Yes, please! I keep hoping every week, so I will keep my fingers crossed again!

Nic Riess said...

I'm in neither of those places, but just wanted to say, I've never seen such a beautiful pattern/texture in a flower.. they are gorgeous..

~My Fleur Journey~ said...

For my friend whom I know for 27/30 of my life!! Yup, we met when we were 3 years old.. and now there's a '0' after 3 :o

Pam said...

If I weren't on the wrong side of Newtown Creek, I'd be all over these. I'd love these to go to my friend on her birthday instead.


Caroline said...

This weekend would be perfect to win since I'll be visiting my boyfriend in NY so if I were to win, I could enjoy them as well! We're celebrating a belated Valentine's Day and these flowers would be perfect for the occasion!!

Natalia said...

That arrangement is lovely!

fiona said...

happy thursday!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Flowers please!

jg said...

i'll be peering out the window in anticipation!

Flo~ said...

oh man, winning flowers would make this week the awesomest ever...

jennie said...

so incredibly beautiful!

forage craft collective said...
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Vina said...

just gorgeous!

Caroline said...

I love watching free flower Fridays unfurl, even though I have yet to win.

Jessica said...

Yes, please!

Kirsten said...

yes please!

Volare said...

I'd like to hear more about your thoughts on Blue Valentine...and perhaps also win some flowers :)

katie said...

Oh heavens to Betsy. I could not need flowers more right now.

Pea Snap said...

So beautiful! I love all your arrangements and would be thrilled to get one.

Léah said...

fingers crossed!

stephervescent said...

yes please!!!

Laura said...

I'd love to be able to send one to a friend whose birthday was this week. Thanks!!

Unknown said...

Hooray for Free Flower Friday! Saipua rules.

El said...

I'm so excited by the whiff of spring we're getting this week!

kmontcaltech said...
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Dandlion said...

ooh pick me pick me! I love your fleurs!

katherine m. said...

take two. here I am again. i'd be so happy to send these flowers to a loved one!

kathmontgomery22 at

elliegolightly said...

I am just moving to New York TOMORROW, and I would love to have fresh flowers to cheer up my new place!

Unknown said...

i am feeling a serious need for some saipua.

Unknown said...

Love your flowers !

Amy said...

fritillaria? Really? No fair. My love for your pictures makes me believe that one day when I have a garden it shall only be filled with spring flowers (and maybe some nasturtiums, because everyone needs those. Ok, ok, and some sweet peas and roses. And scabiosa. And possibly some phlox? I lied. My garden will be a riot....)

Unknown said...

These are so, so lovely! And would be so, so loved.
