I forgot the corsages. That was the fatal mistake this past weekend. And of course this was one of my favorite couples, they were so great, and I felt so bad. The jam went down like this:
Everything went so smoothly - Joelle and I were done ahead of time. We had lunch. We delivered the flowers, I was home at 5pm. Eating Sharon's coconut sorbet out of the container at the kitchen table when I hear my phone buzz with a voicemail. I wait 20 minutes to check it.
I usually print out the wedding details, forming a checklist but our printer isn't set up at the new space yet. So the corsages were at the shop - not at the wedding in Queens. The voicemail was the bride.
Driving to Astoria in a panic, 15min before the wedding was to start, I envisioned flowerless mothers and grandmothers, disappointed and confused. We pulled up to the church, I ran up the steps of the church, corsage box in hand...to see 200 guests standing up looking back at me - the bride was right behind me, about to walk down the aisle.
So here's to always checking the list twice. Live and learn.
everyone makes mistakes, duder. :-) <3
argh. what a monumental fuck-up. not really Sarah, although it probably felt like it at the time. did it feel cathartic to let it all go here?
Yikes! The bouts and corsages are always the last thing I load. Let's say that I've definitely had to come back for them before!
oh bummer- i've had a similar experience. those are the kind of things i wake up in cold sweats over for a week. glad you recovered :)
I've never forgotten my corsages, but once I had my phone ring after I left the wedding because the frigging arch had BLOWN OVER. I had to race back and fix it while all of the guests were watching.
Awww, poor Sarah! I can imagine how sucky that must have felt. The good thing is that they still got married and had a good time, with or without corsages, right?
P.S. Was thinking in Iceland that you would really like it there (not sure if you've ever been), which prompted a dream in which I ran into you outside your new shop and you why you were storing all of your food in a teepee. I'm not sure what you said, but I thought I would relay this incredibly insightful dream in case it unlocks some hidden secrets for you. xoxox
Doesn't sound like a "fatal" mistake at all, baby girl. I think a simple "mistake" will do just fine...:)
P - i have never been to iceland, though eric is dying to go. i think i;d like all the smoked fish. ive been keeping up on your trip, but evidently prefer to tell you this by commenting on my own blog.
you're photos are stunning!
I say check that list three times.
Someone ought to write a book about floral snafus. We've all had them and they are BAD. Yours is up at the top of the list.
that sounds like a scene from a movie about a wedding florist.
oh sweetie - that sucks - we have all had similar experiences fur shure...
THE LIST is king. Helps our brains when we are fried and full of coconut ice cream : )
Oh, I feel your pain. It only has to happen once to all of us floral people. Consider yourself christened. Now go have a great week!!
Good for you for sharing! Most of us just try to cover it up! I have to check my list off as I make the items and again as I load them and then I'm still sweating it!
Shit happens, I once delivered the MOB corsage to the groom, who wore it all day with such panache.
Looking forward to seeing the new shop.
I have made a few calls to my husband- bring me "such and such"
I had a call last year from the bride right as she was about to walk down the aisle. There was only one flowergirl bouquets and two flowergirls. They had to take apart the one bouquet and make due. It was totally my fault. I just forgot to make one on them. My bride was so NOT cool about the mix up.
Sorry for the stress, but I personally take a bit of comfort that even a pro can make a mistake. I also get a bit of a flash from the beginning of Four Weddings and a Funeral when picturing you arriving w/the flowers as the wedding is beginning. Thanks for your honesty!
Ekk - how very scary for you - I can imagine that mad dash to the church - the cops would have understood the EMERGENCY!
Corsages for the reception???
i love coconut sorbet!
since everyone is confessing about a mess up-i guess i will to.
i was in grooms suite he was super-super nervous! so the g-men were making jokes to try and lightin him up a bit.... as i was pinning on this dudes flower to this very thin traditional thai silk tunic type shirt, someone made me laugh. then all of a sudden the guy starting wimpering "ah-i think i'm bleeding" and sure enough blood was on his shirt! it worked out though cause the groom almost cried with laughter.
hopefully the bride was cool about it.
Miss Sarah,
Thankfully you are merely human and therefore capable of making a mistake. Besides, a robot could never design flowers as pretty as yours. ;)
Of all the flowers to forget for a wedding, I think the corsages would be the least noticeable. Who cares if Granny is studded out or not? It's the bride & groom that matter. Nobody else. Cheers to being human and having a no-fail checklist next time!
thanks for all your stories and comments folks, it really has been nice to hear them all.
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