Friday, December 21, 2012

on Homeland, women & career and worlds end.




Lets see. 

The last two weeks I've been in less than a "making mode" and more of a "filtering content mode." Working on all sorts of filtration projects. The nice thing about Saipua is I never have to want for content. Just the time to get it lined up and presented to you. 

And by "content" I mean a complete deconstruction of my final thoughts on Homeland, I've replaced the iphone pictures of the TV screen from my private collection with some unrelated here-and-there farm/flower images. Bear with me.

Over dinner the other night, after days of rumination I said - "You know when Brody and Carrie are sipping wine in the cabin in front of the fire?" I feel like thats what all women want all the time. (I hope you don't mind that I make a sweeping statement about our gender here - that we all want to bed down with lying terrorists who abandon their families.) 

There is a scene around episode 11 in Homeland where Carrie and Brody meet in the woods. I can reenact it for you in person if you like I've watched it about 5 times, sneaking home for lunch firing up showtime on demand. What I like about this scene is the romantic tension. The uncertainty, the complication. 

In relationships we tend to always migrate toward the routine. Couple up, domesticate, start a family. I see the advantage of this, the attraction. But I have always also been afraid of that sequence. One which feels - for me - restrictive. I watch a show like Homeland -- and thank you for indulging me - and I want to BE IN THE CIA. I really do, I have actually spent time thinking about the feasibility of a career change. I want adventure like that. Responsibility and power like that. To walk in with top clearance wearing one of those clippy name tags that scans you in anywhere.

So when Carrie chooses Brody over her career (for those fleeting moments before the bomb - THE DRAMA! GOD TV! I LOVE IT!) I wanted to throw something at the screen. Weakness I thought. 

I really don't know where I was going with this. 

I started writing this morning with the intention of sharing the new Worlds End website. I was going to write a stoic post about nature to announce it. I wanted to make a soundtrack featuring songs about the end of the world. Fitting right. Maybe I'll get to it later. 

I hope you click around it and enjoy it. I shared it a few days ago in our newsletter. I'm really happy and humbled to say that we're already at capacity with our two scheduled work days, but I'll soon be posting more opportunities for those wanting to visit and participate. Because I guess I'm keeping my day job.


abpaulson said...

okay, so do you think brody worked carrie in a long con and planted the bomb?

Mlle Paradis said...

been to the world's end site. stunning! happy xmas!

Ashley Fox said...

best 1/2 hour I've had all week. Read the whole World's End site. Your honesty and integrity are what makes you so wonderful. And of course, flowers too, of course! :)

Anonymous said...

Got the WE email and spent two separate 1/2 hours at it. Was going to write you a sloppy email about how amazing you are, but read this post laughing all the way through and decided to just tell you. You're amazing.

Tilly Niel said...

hahahah! Thank you Sarah! You made my day! Can't stop smiling! See, your post has found an echo, here in France, in a tiny village planted in the middle of nowhere... More powerful than a CIA experience, isn't it?! haha!
Can't wait to read the World's End site!

Kaylovesvintage said...

we love Homeland and your blog
Have a good weekend

Camille said...

"...not to be confused with Bieber fever," hee hee. Which was exactly what I thought when I first read the phrase. From a California girl, living in a postage-stamp-size house and garden, can't wait to hear more about the spacious acreage and all that grows and lives there.

Shivangi said...

chesapeake said...

Been lurking on this blog for awhile (love your photography and writing), had to comment because, duh, HOMELAND. It's like crack.

@abpaulson-glad I'm not the only one who had that theory. But I read an interview with the head writer and our theory is not accurate apparently.

I still don't trust Brody. As much as I LOVE the sexual chemistry and tension between Carrie and Brody, I cannot look at him without thinking "You have been actively cheating on your wife. AND YOU RUINED CARRIE'S LIFE, you fucker." I cannot forgive him for what he did to her last season. The finale of season one killed me.

Amelia said...

I's not restrictive at all. It's real life and more fulfilling than any fairy tale which is just that. As much as I love Homeland, hell Carrie would be gone in a sec from the CIA she's such a wack job. Total escapist fun fantasy. (That killing of the VP thing was ridiculous). Anyway, enjoy worlds end it's beautiful, it's real.

count buckula said...

y'all getting spammed like crazy girl

bigBANG studio said...

RUN CARRIE, RUN!!! Thank sweet lil' baby Krishna she made him tromp across the Canadian border alone and returned to Saul "The Bear" Berenson.

The World's End site is beyond magical. You are doing it, lady. An inspiration for all of us hardheaded broads who love our dogs, our land, and our men. Would love to join the gaggle for a work weekend one of these days. I'm good with a backhoe. xo

Bridget V said...

Congratulations on the progress at World's End and the website! Shall keep you posted for any obscure plants, trees or flowers not on the list that I could suggest! Don't know where you find the energy to do everything.

Anonymous said...

So many Sandy victims lost their homes and worse. Help rebuild. It takes a village.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to come up and help you plant useless flowers but the people that lost their homes from Sandy need help more.

rosekraft said...

Took a few hours to nail down the title of your post...

"We just come from such different sets of circumstance"...