Some photos from last week at Worlds End. Things are bananas there. If I thought I was in tune with the seasons before, I had no idea. My sensitivity has been increased a hundred fold. I have to make more space in my brain for the input of nature.
The struggles we have with the farm are outweighed by the pleasures and small triumphs. The place demands so much from us. Eric stresses, I dream too big, the girls extend themselves to assist with weddings and studio work and tasks like ordering truckloads of compost. (Did you Asheley?) I'm on the road a lot lately and their stellar work shines brighter in my absence. I'm tired but love my job even more than I could have ever imagined.
Last week Eric and I were there working on the hellebore garden - setting to rest the plants that Barry sold us for cutting in a recent Little Flower School Class. I've always dreamed of having a place to bring such refugees home to...resting their roots in solid ground instead of my over-crowded city container garden.
The farm is funny. This place, newly turned over to novices...it knows what it wants, and what it wants is lots of checks. I feel like all I do write checks and checks and checks. I could write pages on the endless supply of cash that a farm requires, here in only my seventh or eighth month of playing this game. I try not to think about the finances too hard. Money is just money, and when we run out, we'll work hard to make some more to feed it.
So when Eric and I found ourselves digging rocks all day in the hellebore garden last week, and making a little patio out of those rocks, using only our own hands - I felt relief. Relief to realize that there are some projects we can complete without many resources. Make a patio, brush it off and remember that the next time we break for coffee around 4pm we can sit here amidst the shade plants, swatting mosquitoes and looking out to the yard at the myriad of other projects that await us patiently.
Speaking of coffee breaks and work days - do you have any interest in coming up for a day and working along side us? It would make me so happy to have you come and see the newest part of Saipua. We're thinking the Saturday before Memorial Day - May 26th. You can camp out with us and Nea, and although the house won't be nearly done, we'll have two working new bathrooms (god willing) and a pig roast to celebrate our efforts. Maybe the water iris will be blooming by then. Think about it, and email me if you're up for it.
if i don't book a silly wedding i'm THERE! it looks like a little slice of heaven...in pictures. happy to hear it's making you happy!
cheers to all your hard work thus far!!!
I think the next time I'm in NYC I'll just offer up my hands in exchange for whatever you've got brewing. Sadly, weddings are booked that weekend or else I'd be there in a heartbeat! (Nothing like a good camp-out, and did someone say pig roast?!?)
Well I have done the endless work at the country house too. And still doing it actually. There is nothing better than getting away to plant trees for clearing my head for business back in the city. Mind you, my country place is set in such a beautiful vast landscape, that a lot of the time I am standing in the field, just looking about in awe and the shovel in my hand is just decoration.
I absolutely would love to come to help you! Unfortunately I'm too far away from you, in Finland. I don't have my own garden, a matter of a great regret. So every opportunity I get to help somebody in their garden is like a gift for me. In that sense, you are living my dream with your lovely farm. Congratulations!
sign me up, baby!
Ha!!! If only I weren't in Southern Illinois! Are you writing checks for plane tickets?!! I speak from experience...you should hold these parties often, you'll get a tremendous amount done. Which means more time for drinks on the free patio. Love your blog!
Already marked my calendar, G!
If you write another check you can have garlic oil sprayed to keep the little draculas out.
Just wanted to say that I think what you're doing is awesome. Thanks for sharing it on the blog.
Good to see you yesterday Sarah! Wow, it's looking so beautiful, I can't wait to see it in person. I'll bring a lumberjack. Or I'll bring Steve. Which would you prefer?
Hi there! Somewhat-recent follower, first-time commenter!
I'm in NYC and I'm always looking for excuses to get into nature. If ya'll don't mind having a stranger tag along (and given that the dates work out, which I may not know until further along), I'd be more than happy to lend a hand. I'm hoping to WWOOF starting next May, so anything to build hands-in-the-dirt experience is welcomed :)
When I was a kid, my parents bough an old house that needed a lot of work. I think the only way they succeeded in bringing it all together was by hosting many "Work Parties" where friends would come and help out. My mom would have great food, there would be lots of music, and people would lend a hand where they could -- ripping up carpet, laying tile, spackling, etc. It was so much fun.
If I didn't live in LA, I'd totally come help out.
If only i didn't live in Australia....
Damn, I wish I lived closer. I would so be there. I love to play in the dirt. And my garden is pretty established this year, so there isn't near as much fun stuff to do. You guys are doing so good! It's looking stellar.
Sarah, How fun would that be? Now that we live in CT we would be thrilled to come to a work party. We'll be out of town that weekend but I hope we can come throw our weight behind a scythe or sickle and help further your dream. Congratulations!
Hey there Sarah,
I am down for that weekend. No joke. I can drive a couple people, too, with tools.
Let me know. Should I just email you directly?
In flora,
Oh my god. If I wasn't going to be in the process of walking from Mexico to Canada I WOULD BE THERE WITH BELLS ON.
Fun fact: as I was hiking my first long distance trail (the good old Appalachian) I bought a bunch of antique postcards in town on a day off from walking and idly looked at your blog from a hostel computer, only to see that you needed an intern. Not even kidding, I wrote you an application on one of those postcards that very night. And then never sent it (it was a bit unrealistic, what with the 5 months of walking and no home in NYC).
Maybe you'll get that postcard some day after all, though. And seriously, have another work party in the fall!
ps: I'm really good at moving rocks.
it looks like so much work, yet so gratifying. as i am on the other side of the country, i will probably not be able to help. but seeing these pictures are inspiring to me. inspiring to start and HAVE my own garden, to renovate, and build!
I JUST booked two last minute weddings for May 27th (a small one in the morning and a small one in the afternoon). Otherwise, I'd be there!
I would love to work for in exchange of a nice black cup of coffee & the latest NY gossip. I too had lots to do in my garden, I started my small business, selling cut flowers and hot Tamales and will be selling my stuff this May2012.
good Luck on your wonderful, beautiful Farm. I hope U succeed!
Emiliana Flowers, LLC
Portland, OR
You are so wonderfully brave to chase this dream and I love watching you succeed! I wish I could come help but I'm across the country in California.
Maybe someday!
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