At the farm these past few days; the world there feels like it is expanding so fast - more on that soon.
Thank you for your amazing feedback on the workday. Some of you wondered if it was an invitation to strangers also. The answer is YES.
Are we strangers?
For those of you who said you couldn't make it on 5.26 but were still interested in lending a hand; fear not - there will be a second summer work day. i just ordered 400 plugs of campanulas, heucheras, and tiarellas from Terranova, and thinking forward to what that means exactly, I realize we'll need a lot of help.
ooh! As the self-appointed president of the 'part-time Albany resident saipua fan club,' I look forward to the possibility of another summer work date. These photos were a lovely way to start the day, as always!
Why do you think that people should come and do your work for you? You profit off of it. Pay someone to help you. Why should people spend their energy helping you, a person that is obviously doing well, instead of an elderly person that needs help painting their home or a child that needs a little tutoring help for their reading? I think you are selfish and entitled to even ask.
so does that mean you're not coming?
Pish-posh applesauce. It was an open invitation, duh! Just because someone wants to help out in a garden or on a farm (and maybe get out of the big city for a day) doesn't mean that's all they're doing with their lives. To some, it is a hobby and therapeutic to work in the soil of the earth with like minded folks! Sign me up :)
I want that arrangement for my Easter table....
1. I would love to visit someday and help
2. Sarah is funny
3. pretty flowers, as always
I'd just like to say I like you. And I like your response there. AND I like the way you're asking for help & including community that has an outright awe of your talent & a curiosity about your farming process. If I lived oh say 13 hours closer I'd be all about helping you dig in the dirt. Carry on with your bad self.
Sarah, you are totally my lead bitch.
I agree absolutely! I would love to spend a WEEK or even month working for free on Sarah's farm just to get a bigger dose of Sarah! I love your attitude and wish I could come to the summer work day (Cali is a bit far away.) Very much looking forward to meeting you in person at the Petaluma Roses class though!
I can't wait! Meg
Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous! Wish I could be there to help!
Oh, oh, oh I'm so excited! I s'pose it's best to just check back here for updates? I can also give you my email: zschaeffer@gmail.com.
Anon, PLEASE. I'd almost pay Sarah for the chance to escape Manhattan and dig in the dirt for a day. It's about enjoying the garden and meeting new faces, not about who's making money!
i took one of the little flower school classes and i'd love to come help one day! i need some outdoor time. dirty jeans and lemondade kind of days sound fun to me.
Hey Anonymous, everyone should help everyone! Including an elderly person that needs help painting their home or a child that needs a little tutoring help for their reading and Sarah who busts her ass to be successful and to share it with the world spreading beauty and her sharp wit. If she is asking for help it's because she needs it. I'm there to help you Sarah cause I know you are self actualizing and inspire others to do the same.
What variaties are you planting from terra nova? I think what you're doing, your flower farm, is really amazing. I'm a total plant nerd and love you're blog. You should look in to WOOFing, maybe they can help you find some people to plant and weed.
Maybe late for the farm-flower party.. but definitely in, Sarah if you have still have space for more help in the summer... I LOVE helping in any way I can Sarah and Nicolette who bring beauty to the world, who are kind, smart and gorgeous..!!
ps. from the little tea bag as I was reading this post: Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.
You totally crack me up, Sarah! Smart talented, so generous with your time and information, and freakin' hilarious.
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