I find Viburnum berries difficult to work with. Sometimes I ask Ben to cut all the "albino" pieces, the ones that don't see the sun, the berries that are hidden on the underside of the bush that color to only a milky-yellow-white. These are like gold. But his "guy" that cuts the stuff somewhere out in Jerse must have laughed at this request and I got a 75 pound bale of thick woody top growth - berries blood red. Blah. Did the best I could with it, but most of it ended up in the wood chipper. I lie, we don't have a wood chipper.
We've been "harvesting" a lot of different things from the city sidewalks this year. Queen Anne's lace, poke-weed. I like to find the pokeweed it in it's infancy, before the purple shows up. It has a soft lacy effect in bouquets. Usually all the leaves have to be stripped off since they wilt rather quickly. I encourage you to read the wiki page for this plant.
Our California garden roses arrive this morning, so I look forward to that.
It's raining again in new york city.
If I had a magic doctor I would ask him to take all of my body apart. Unscrew my head, detach my legs and arms, clean out all the joints. Hey! be careful with my right wrist! I guess I would have to be asleep for this..that's fine. Finally, all the nuts and bolts of me laid out. My eyeballs, the joints of all my fingers. When they have all been cleaned and oiled real good, I would be put back together piece by piece and finally woken up with some of that brown rice green tea.
Then I'd go to work.
love your blog, your writing, your openness and realness. truly love your photos and your work. thanks for sharing
That's a nice piece of work, G. Loving the QAL. Some folks use the seeds as an herbal contraceptive. I worked for a holistic wellness center back in the 90's and learned all kinds of neat shit. btw: Glucosamine sulfate promotes joint health.
Try getting a cranial sacral and thai massage back to back....that should do the trick.
darlin', how you came up with that idea i'd really like to hear. 24 hrs. no sleep, psychedelic drugs? it's a great visual. i'm imagining your eyeballs rolling around on a metal hospital table.
favorite blog.
You can order how stuff is cut? Many Boston vendors roll their eyes when I'm specific about the exact color of dahlia I want. "these are pink. What's wrong with them"? Sheesh.
I agree with Liane - where do you come up with the stuff that comes out of your head? You must have an intriguing thought life. I like it! Don't stop sharing - so enjoy reading your blog - and I live in the other hemisphere! (New Zealand to be precise) Also love your talk and images of flowers...
we do our fair share of "harvesting" around the neighborhood too. i joke that i should wear an black body suit and mask as i go snipping around...cat burglar style. although it's usually during the day so that would be weird, huh?
I love reading your thoughts. But you already know that. I too often fantasise about someone opening my noggin and giving my brain a good sponge bath to clear out all the daily grime that floats around up there. Like a brain day spa.....
How have I not found your lovely blog until today? In the midst of house renovation craziness, weed laden gardens, and a basement and garage that looks like we belong in an episode of "Hoarders," your stunning images soothed my soul. Thank you.
pokeberrys? are you for real? how in the hell do you do this?! I thought I hated pokeweed until now. Didn't even notice the plant in your gorgeous arrangement until you pointed it out. Pretty smart, next you're going to change my mind about kudzu (which I'm terrified of by the way - truly an irrational major fear of the stuff).
Gosh, there is so much useful data above!
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