from her wikipedia page:
Bachmann has charged that global warming is a hoax[60] and has been a vocal skeptic of global warming.[61] She has asserted that since carbon dioxide is "a natural byproduct of nature", it is a beneficial gas required by plant life. She stated that because life requires carbon dioxide and it is part of the planet's life cycle, it cannot be harmful. In a statement she made on the House floor on Earth Day, April 22, 2009, Bachmann stated she was against the cap and trade climate legislation, stating: "Carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas, it is a harmless gas. Carbon dioxide is natural; it is not harmful.... We're being told we have to reduce this natural substance to create an arbitrary reduction in something that is naturally occurring in the earth."[62]
really unbelievable. reading about her lately i think to myself, she's even worse than sarah palin. how is this possible? HOW HOW HOW?
ugh x's the size of the ever growing hole in the ozone layer..oh wait, is that just an urban legend? Do you know what the saddest part is? I actually know people who would say the same thing she did. You can't cure stupid.
Amen. Oh I just need to say it one more time AMEN. Tabitha's right - you can't cure stupid. Do what I do - watch west wing season 4. Pray that the current administration is doing the same. The only way to beat stupid is to show that they are indeed - morons. If that doesn't make you feel better I recommend whiskey. Single Malt.
She kerflummoxes me. But the world kerflummoxes me. We keep creating monsters and they are getting worse and worse.
nice stumps from Studio Choo! love the snake.
American politics....bleh. The world is full of ninnies.
Achingly beautiful carnations however- that's got my attention.
It's really really scary. Scarier than that snake, and that snake is terrifying. :(
Because the politicians really know more about such things than scientists.
This post is so fitting. The sad thing is that Bachman has said so many ridiculous things -- and she's a contender for President?!
I blame Chris Matthews for inadvertently making Bachman happen. Actually the media as whole has made ridiculous people who should never hold office happen by constantly covering their shenanigans.
is Bachmann a hoax?
should we be laughing or terrified?
Thank you for this cathartic post. I can't believe it either...it's the whole Sarah Palin nightmare all over again...only scarier.
Bachmann is like so many right wing women with a modicum of IQ who have been reinforced due to their attractiveness and their money and their absolute conviction that they are RIGHT and it's God's plan by people who have less but want to think they are in the same camp. They have tiny closed minds and are rather afraid of WHAT"S COMING if abortion isn't stopped, gays marry, etc. They do not want to be bothered with facts about climate change or anythinhg that requires a subtle mind or thinking. It is FEAR based. and I know because I am from South Carolina....
weird. i was just 'googling' her yesterday. she is right up there with what's her name? the 'i'm not a witch' women...christine o'donnell and that william tapley guy. these guys are way out there and i can't. stop. reading. about. them. it's like a car accident, i can't look away. aside from tapley, how do these women, including palin, ever get elected to office...seriously!
The feeling I have more than anything else is this; now finally we're in a time where a woman might have a considerable chance to be president, and the only female candidates coming up are ones who safely draw support from the largely uneducated population that doesn't understand the gravity of the environmental situation that looms, let alone the financial crisis...let alone the dimininshing middle class, etc, etc...
But the world has become such a complex place, american politics is so much more nuanced than the "vote for your favorite candidate" experience.
This new crop of gun-toting, back-to-our-roots women who get characterized as "female power-houses" in the political realm make me sad when I think about the hard work (both loudly and quietly; publicly and privately) that has happened in the realm of gender equality. Sarah Palin doesn't read as "woman" to me.
I know this is completely off topic, but I am completely in love with those wooden tree branch bowls, how can I buy one (or like 10?)
so glad we're having this conversation.
thx g*d i have talked to republicans who (now?) know better than to vote for palin. hopefully as also with o'donnell, it will become quickly apparent that these people are so incapable of "leading" this country.
now if they could stop sprouting up like mushrooms!
ah yes!! the wood bowls!!!
Studio Choo makes them in Sanfran, they are available either in person in our shop on weekends or through the Choo's themselves:
Awesome, thanks! I wish I could come to the store in person, but I'm in Sydney so I'm going to try and buy them online.
PS I am a giant fan of your work and blog, almost at girlcrush levels.
oooh yes. snakes. i hate them.
Have been a fan of yours for SO long Miss Saipua. Your flowers inspire me so much. Please check out my blog and give a little love - it would mean a lot :)
For design inspiration check out THINGS SHE MADE !
Fashion Hype / Graphic Content / Pretty Things
you're inside my head, woman. she's the WORST! possible more of a destructive force than (dare I say it?) Palin!
- erica @ tinseltwine . com
Good question. Being from Minnesota we don't know how she made it here let alone as a presidential candidate. We will all have to move straight to Canada if that nut job makes it all the way. But we just can't think like that. ;)
Pretty flowers help to take your mind off of the crazy. Yours are lovely.
i just have to listen to my dad talk for one minute to realize that is certainly IS possible. god help us.
As someone who lives in her home state (MN) I can tell you that for most of us she is an utter embarrassment. At the last election, I wanted to move to her district simply so I could vote AGAINST her. She's nothing but pretty face spewing hateful, irrational, unfounded messages.
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