Thursday, May 5, 2011

Free Flower Friday

Hello! It's that time. Asheley and Deanna reporting to you live in the studio, bringing you our favorite part of the week: Free Flower Friday!

Comment to enter, leave your e-mail, we hope you win!


RIA said...

having a party tomorrow and flowers would be da bomb diggity.

Alice said...

plz plz! :)
fingers crossed.

ruthiegyll said...

best day of the week!

jin.e.king said...

if only you shipped to england!

Anonymous said...


jenna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
forage craft collective said...

yay for spring flowers!!

JY said...

iWANT! jnutty(at)

AG said...

every week I try to get these for my mother in law in NYC. I hope this is the week!

Amy said...

always a day to look forward to! asanderson1 [at]

El said...

I hope I win too!

So excited with the lilacs and wisteria coming out!

katie said...

please please!! i'd drive them straight up to MA for mother's day.

katie said...

oops that was

A Brooklyn Kitchen said...

my favorite day of the week....hopefully I'll win! :)


erica said...

yes please!

Shayna said...

Dudes, I need some mother's day flowers! Nothing like buying a house in Nebraska get your Brooklyn Mama to put you in the dog house.

Julia said...

I'd love to win some of your beautiful flowers :)

Michelle Stiles said...

Toes crossed!

leslie said...

you make the most beautiful arrangements.

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful!

Sophie said...

yes please!


Lindsey Love said...

my brand new mother in law will be visiting this week. she's as gorgeous as a flower and we'd love to welcome her with some :)

stephervescent said...

yes, yes, yes!

Anonymous said...

I'm making a wish on a lost eyelash.


Pea Snap said...

Beautiful! Happy cinco de Mayo!

Anonymous said...

whoop whoop oh yes would love me some of your beautfiul creations!

Unknown said...

would love to win!

Georgette said...

Best Friday Ever?!

Grace said...

I love flower Fridays!

linda said...

let it be me!

Molly said...

well, gee, i hope i win too!

Jessica said...

Please! jwpeppler at gmail

Thea said...

I hope it is not too late!

katherine said...

that would be wonderful!

Erica said...

I would just love love love some of your lovely flowers to cap off this week. Cheers!

erica @ tinseltwine . com

Anonymous said...


Christina said...

I hope I win too! That would be just so wonderful! cgraybard(at)

ARAm said...

TGIFF!! :)

fleur_delicious said...

yay! I missed the last two weeks because I kept getting home after you closed the comments (darn time difference), but we are back in the running!

here's hoping - my brother, who has probably forgotten that i do this every week, would be surprised!

Lisa said...

Happy Thursday!

lisacericola AT gmail DOT com

emmeline said...

museum weekend flowers?

flwrjane said...

Crazy florist at work in Virginia would love to surprise a friend in Brooklyn.

If I don't win can you just come down and help us thru mothers Day?