Thursday, April 21, 2011

enter the vortex!

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These ranunculus remind me of black holes, and all my weekends spent on the event horizon. Get it?
No? Well, It's free flower time and you don't have to be a physicist* to win these crazy kids. Just comment for a chance.

*Actually - I've been thinking and reading a lot of physics this year and I'd love to do a barter with someone who actually knows a lot about physics so I can ask all the questions I have. Wouldn't that be neat, information for flowers?


Unknown said...

i'm no physicist, but you can still ask me questions... i just might make up a few answers or two. and i would love to get sucked into this ranunculus vortex.

eilis boyle said...

Wish I could help you with your physics request, but I'm not very savy in that department. However I do love ranunculus and I can think of the perfect Brooklyn home for them : )

Nicole Milman said...

Pick me! Pick me!
Nicole Milman :) love the ranunculus, but don't love how the buds are so heavy and break off the stems so easily!

Caroline said...

I feel that it might be my week to win this time... fingers crossed (as always).

Raq said...

That barter sounds great! I hope that someone reaches out here. Sign me up for a chance to win this week.

David Mann said...

What the frit?!(illaria) Are those yellow checkerboards??? Love 'em!

sam kramer said...

Oh man, fingers crossed!

And I'm no physicist but might I add that scientist friends are so underrated. AKA essential to one's well-being. It's hard to imagine what life was like before I had my entomologist pal.

xo sam kramer

Unknown said...

Me me me!

Julia said...

Wish I knew more about physics, too. Would love to win some ranunculus!

Anonymous said...

I could make some stuff up about physics!

Lizania Cruz said...

Flowers like black wholes also have sound!

Michelle Stiles said...

Ranuculus is a sign for summer

Michelle said...

I'm feeling lucky today!

susie said...

tomorrow is my birthday! flowers would make my day.

Donna said...

Never saw black holes that beautiful!! Please pick me! Would love them . . .

Thomas said...

Those are my wife's favorite flower - would love to surprise her if you pick me - otherwise off to the florist I go :)

stephervescent said...

black hole, yespleeez!

southern fried chickpea said...

Build me up, buttercup. I'd love to have that ranunculus arrangement in my home!

Unknown said...

If u pick me I will ask my dad anything you want to know.
He is a physicist

Lisa said...

Black hole, take me away!

Molly said...

diving head first. xo!

Flo~ said...

I'd pick a ranunculus over a black hole any day. Sign me up!

AG said...

I work very closely with physicists, and rarely understand even the most minute detail of their work.

But I know that flowers are pretty!

Maddercarmine said...

beautiful & mysterious.....these always remind me of Paris more than anywhere else in the world.

Pea Snap said...

I wish I were a physicist!
Love the flowers...

tizzy lish said...

i know nothing about physics, but tomorrow is my birthday and i'd sure love some beautiful flowers! said...

I am not a physicist, but I am a historian. Any history questions? :) I love your flowers -- I am keeping my fingers crossed. said...

Put my name in the hat.

Thanx for the chance.

Unknown said...

ranunculus, i love you.

Unknown said...

i think i'm going to go get schooled so i can make myself a viable barter partner. physics, hmm? how about proofreading? i love your work . . . and your blooms.

Léah said...

i love ranaculus times of year!

Anonymous said...

I wonder about symmetry and balance and proportion in black holes since they're identified by the absence of those (+ more). very unlike flowers, but a fading away of the gravitas certainly happens when peering at a bouquet...

sam said...

perfect! and my favorite color too!

mary timmons said...

Oooh, I would love to win a vortex of petals tomorrow!!!

g. said...

for a friend. thank you.

el said...

I love how whirly ranunculus get! *crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

fingers crossed!

sforbes said...

I live in Austin, but have friends who would love an arrangement of black hole ranunculus! Or any of your flowers, they are always gorgeous. I hope I can win some for them!

Caroline said...
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JY said...

can't answer physics questions anymore, but i would recommend some books by james gleick. otherwise, lovely flowers as usual!

Caroline said...
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Caroline said...

I listen to this when my astrophysical curiosity gets piqued: Ranunculus, yes, please

katherine said...

Ooooo the ranunculus vortex!