all three of our California classes sold out in less than a day!
I can't wait to meet all of you crazy kids. in the sunshine.
next year in Paris?
*There's been a lot of hooting and hollering for a second San Fransisco class. I'll work on Nikki and see if I can get her to agree...
YES! Next time in Paris.
YES TOO!!! Next time in Paris, please please please!! I'm getting so bored here.
and i missed la sign ups! i could kick myself.
Yeah! Next time in Paris!! I know a gallery that can host it for you!
come to norway!!
cheri i would love to do a class with you and clarisse somehow - we'll have to put our heads together for something amazing...
How about Aussie?? But Paris will do! I'm in.
yes please...another class anywhere in california!
bummer, totally missed it too. keeping my fingers crossed for a second SF date...
Yes! Paris!
Fingers crossed for a 2nd SF class!!
Hmm, Paris, I could nip over on the Eurostar from London instead of sitting at my desk wishing I were in NY so I could drop by...
I Agree with Chrissie, Paris could work, but London would be better! x
please more LA classes too!! I tried to sign up less than 24 hours after they were announced and they were already full... le sigh :(
holy crap...how did i miss this?
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Another reason I miss living in Berkeley--you're having flower school with Heidi Swanson and June Taylor. I must take a NYC class this year.
NEXT YEAR IN LONDON PLEASE. I could settle for Paris, I suppose, but think of all the beautiful English roses.
Can you come to Boston (Jamaica Plain would be even better)- I'm sure that would sell out too!
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