It seems we have a ghost (and mice, while we're at it) floating around in Saipua land lately and it's rather amusing save for the mouse shit all up in my new macbook pro. I actually almost took a photo of that to show you because it was such an interesting juxtaposition - technology and the natural world colliding in the quiet dimlit world of soap and flowers... same as i
almost took a photo of my fingernail clippings last week, as they had reached a heightened state of filth and i thought - that's funny - folks will think that's funny and indicative of how many flowers have sifted through these little hands but the bottom line is you wouldn't think it funny you'd think it disgusting, and you'd write me off as crazy and that doesn't do either of us much good.
Crazy or not, I really do seem to have a computer ghost, who, as if getting my computers stolen wasn't enough - has now started deleting things randomly from my calendar. Quietly dining on poached eggs and arugula yesterday afternoon I was startled by a call from the studio "You're 3 o'clock is here!"
Have you ever swallowed an entire poached egg without chewing? It's wholly unsatisfying not to mention dangerous. What can I say, I live on the edge.
I digress. Now it appears my ghost has been fucking with my blog, deleting the sidebars completely.* I rather like it this way - clean and unassuming elegance in a blog-o-sphere of littered links. Eric is having more of a fit over it that I am. How will people know how to email you? You're contaCT INFO?!?
Please. I havn't returned emails in weeks.
You'd be salty too if your main flower cooler is running at a balmy 79 degrees this evening.
*Apparenly resolved after a simple mouse sacrifice