Tuesday, August 17, 2010

everything rosie

Hi kids. I finally figured out what was wrong with my computer and so I have photos back up and running ready to share. Here are some roses. You like those, don't you? I thought you would....

Something that I've thought about a lot is how so much of what sells Saipua, and ultimately this blog is the perpetuation of pretty delicate feminine things that frequent this blog. It was easier once to be myself here, when no one but 17 beats and my mom were reading. Now I have clients reading, and their moms. So when I'm tempted to write something raunchy - I have to consider my audience. Dilemma much?

Today is one of those days when I'd like to rant about self-mythologizing spinsters, the wedding industry, and post roughly self-photoshopped images from celebrity websites. And so I have started a secret blog to do this. If I told you what it was called, it wouldn't be a secret. baHAHAHAHAHAHAH

just kidding. I don't have a secret blog. it's a secret tumblr.

just kidding i don't

here; have another fuzzy rose picture:



Liane said...

you just made me laugh wicked hard. ok, well not really hard but one loud squack type thing.
if you had a secret raunchier blog or tumblr would you email the address? it sounds right up my alleyway.

Lisa said...

Uh, me too. (Maybe you should just start it?)

madi said...

I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know the address of this secret blog...

sue@solsticehome said...

ha..well i love the rose photos, but i think i would love that secret blog even more...i'm thinking its like the one in a few of our heads ;)

teresa said...

I'd love to hear your thoughts on self-mythologizing spinsters and the wedding industry! (Add me to the mailing list for when you DO start this "secret" blog.)

mergeran said...

seconded, thirded, fourthed, etc! and what are those precious little blue berries?

Nicole Milman said...

Laugh laugh laugh! What I get to do when I visit you - other than look at sumptuous flowers.

Anonymous said...

Keep doing what you're doing, that's why we all love to read your blog. A little raunch won't hurt anyone! Plus, we all need to read "things that make you go hmm." Keep it interesting.

WSAKE said...

same here - rosie + secret blog - love!

jin.e.king said...

ditto, in fact, it seems like you might aswell just put the secret blog stuff on here, since we all want to read it anyway! if not then i'd sure like an email link to the secret blog!

Alix said...

Secret blog! Secret blog! Secret blog!

Inessa said...

These are beautiful. They look like peonies.

animala said...

Secret blog! Secret blog!

I know sharing one (one that you don't actually have, of course. wink.) would completely defeat the purpose of having a secret one, but we feel we are all kindred spirits and want to share!

erin said...

what you are is what we're after. hide it under a bushel - no!

Libby said...

raunch it up!

Anonymous said...

Secret blog? Fish meet bait.

Anonymous said...

No one's mom is going to cancel the wedding flowers because you write hilarious things. Your flowers speak for themselves. Now YOU speak for yourself dude. You are wicked funny.

Jessica said...

I like the pretty and the raunchy. My heart would say keep it real but my brain votes for a secret with a mailing list. I see your dilemma especially considering the weddings and the folks involved can be the "clutching pearls" type. In my humble opinion, snark is the salt of life.

open to cool said...

it's all about a balance, right? it's not just raunch -
you are bang on hilarious, and i love your love for the music of my (our?) youth almost as much as a spikey bi-colour dahlia...