It's taken me over a month to return the The Met after an unfortunate incident at Admissions. Does everyone pay the full admission price?
Rhetorical question...Ain't no one gonna guilt me about my donation, damn it.
So it was with some hesitation that Elyse and I headed over last night. I paid more than usual, and made her give the money for both of us. Once safely inside we enjoyed the hell out of some American Wing.
I've never paid more than a quarter. (ok, maybe once I had a dollar and no coins)
i'm with nadia--in over 20 years, i've never paid more than a quarter. they're sitting on oceans of money.
i showed them my museum staff i.d., which gets me into most museums for free, and they still tried to get me to pay the recommended amount. i argued with them for a while and then gave them a dollar. next time it's going to be quarter!
Ditto Nadia and Jenny, a quarter. Though I do pay full suggested donation once a year ... it happened once and became an annual tradition.
I paid full admission when I came to the city as a tourist but never over a $ once I lived there...
I like DB's Idea of paying fully once a year..
man your readers are pretty strong. I always feel completely suckered into paying it.
I pay a dollar, and smile.
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I can't believe they gave you crap about the admission! I'd flip a penny into the air and let them keep it if they can catch it.
Despite my tiny salary at this fine institution, I still think it's totally acceptable to pay a quarter! Especially if you're a return customer.
So glad you liked the AW - I was lucky enough to be the intern working on those glass and ceramic cases last year!
Shame on them for shaming you! Thought this post (including the comments!) was so interesting that I reblogged it at bundlehq.tumblr.com. Thanks!
I usually pay at the Met, though last time I was at the Museum of Natural History they had a great racket set up: you could buy tickets at the credit card machines with no line, but only at full price. The alternative was a very long line full of tourists who didn't speak *quite* enough English to understand the announcements about the machines. That or they just felt like standing in line is part of the vacation experience.
I marched up very firmly and announced that I'd like to pay $x for three adults and a toddler. Nothing awkward to it.
I felt justified because said toddlers attention span was going to give us about an hour in the museum, tops.
Which brings me to another point. If I'm planning to spend the afternoon at the Met, I'll pay. But if I'm popping in for half an hour? Sorry. No.
I never pay full price. The museum is technically free and as an Upper East Sider, I am sure they receive some of my hard earned tax dollars. Although, I usually give them more than a quarter ;-)
P.S. Just found your site and LOVE your flowers! I wish I had a boyfriend so I could get married soon and hire you!
Good for you for going back. would have loved to see all the colorful glass.
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