b. [in the oven] butterscotch pecan cookies, as in f*%& yeah, high fives.
c. [wait for it...] said cookies to be sandwiched with pistachio gelato in what will become the world's best yet ice cream cookiewich. as in fist pumping, Arsenio style.
d. [halloween] i have the best costume idea in the universe. guesses?
e. [confession] i have spent an inappropriate amount of time on this Saturday evening watching clips from Arsenio Hall Jams: like his interview with madonna and rosie o'donnel, salt n' pepper, NWA, Whitney, etc. oh! and Mariah Carey.
Any chance you know the names of those AMAZING Dahlias?
You're totally going to be Arsenio Hall for Halloween, aren't you???? What a brilliant idea!
I love your blog even though your flowers are so beautiful it is painful.
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