Another excellent carrot soup recipe:
5-6 big carrots that are organic so you don't peel them, just chop them
2 onions roughly chopped
that in some olive oil and turn on the gas
while that starts to cook (and throw in some sea salt in the pot too)
chop up: 5 cloves of garlic and a healthy knob of ginger
add to vegetables
drain a can of chickpeas and add
spices to add: cayenne, curry, coriander, cumin ( a few shakes of each )
then 1 can of coconut milk, and 1.5 cans worth of water.
cover and cook half hour or so on medium heat.
remove from heat, process about 1/3 of the soup in a blender or food processor and then mix the puree with the rest to get a nice stew consistancy. NOW squeeze 1 whole lime (or lemon) in there. This is really the key to most soups. people always forget the acid.
Salt to taste. Now you have a really healthy stew that will make you sweat (if you spiced it up enough) which is what you need in this weather. to be warm on the insides
I'm collecting loot from all over here. my little artist friend scott brought this portfolio of art to us yesterday in exchange for soap. the brown bag has a small zuccihini loaf in it from a neighbor, amanda gave me some booty-booty and i just purchased these pictures of some guys practicing karate on a beach from 1983. I still have to share pictures of my new chair.
is booty-booty ornamentation for your rear?
oh my. that soup sounds good.
its underwear. speaking of booty though, hows Una?
she's better, thanks for asking. i attempted to undertake another heiney washing on wednesday, to which she responded by scratching the bejeezus out of my wrist. i figure, nature will take it's course. she' s laying and doing her "business" regularly, so, then, she can keep her butt dirty.
I made the soup! I made the soup! It is true love between me and the soup! Will do you do the flowers when me and the soup get hitched?
I also love the Soup. The Soup and I met yesterday after your introduction, and it's been a torrid affair ever since.
your soup is so yum.i made it for the second time today.one of the few things i can get my daughter to eat easily :-) thanks.
she responded by scratching the bejeezusstsbet
stsbet out of my wrist. i figure, nature will take it's course. she' s laying and doing her "business" regularly, so,
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