Sometimes people walk in and say, "What is this place?"
I always want to say something like: "Well, it's important to keep an open mind...Are you into leather?"
*Toothy [aka Darla, or Scooter] don't live here anymore. She got shipped out on a reconnaissance mission at our home a few blocks away. [We have a mouse infestation.] She's still diligently gathering information. The other night Eric caught a mouse in the kitchen sink with a yogurt container-peanut-butter trap. I came out to see what all the commotion was and saw Toothy nodding and quietly taking notes from her foxhole under the cupboard. When pressed, she issued a formal statement:
"The vermin situation on Coffey Street has escalated over the past few months, and seems to be directly correlated to the drop in outside temperature. Evidence gathered thus far indicates heavy looting in the stovetop region. A perimeter around the kitchen has been identified as a crumb trading route which leads to a central layer, as of now unknown. The area under the sink seems to serve as a safehaven for these crumb-traffikers. In addition, the dog dish, with its occasional leftover kibble has become a highly frequented area. Get rid of the dog."

I love the shop photos, but mostly the intricate details in the MS Paint/Photoshop job on the detective notes. Pls include more of these for 09. Tx!
I don't know if I've ever posted a comment before, but I've been reading for a couple of months and really enjoy your blog. Your sense of humor is great and love all the funny additions. I think you should send toothy in the Obama cabinet, maybe she could do some good sleuthing and note taking in D.C....???
I could lend you my Rizza who would do more than reconnaissance. You betcha!
one of the funniest things i have ever read.
nice one
Wait...that pic was Photoshopped??!
what a stinker!
you are really so funny! (my cat was crap when we had mice - she used to run away from them)
i just found this blog. I think you are funny but best of all, your work is beautiful.
Live in Manhattan and so will try to make it out there to pick up some of the unpriced stuff for a small price, perhaps?
vcI've been reading for a couple of months and reholiday
gclubally enjoy your blog. Your sense of humor is great and love all the funny additions. I
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