My friend Ashley from Small Measure is lucky enough to have a real book deal (unlike my imaginary book deal, for which I conduct "meetings" where I pretend Nea is my editor. She tells me how great my material is and extends my deadlines in exchange for empty catfood cans to lick out)...
The project details specific ways people are re-localizing and re-thinking their food supply. The first book of this project will be all about raising chickens. The later parts are still undecided, so I'd like you to tell me (in the comment's section) which topic you'd be most interested in:
-organic gardening/edible landscaping
-cordials, elixirs, and bitters
-salting, smoking, drying, and cellaring
-herbal products for baby, bath, pets, and home
-growing your own flowers
Long time rss subscriber, first time commenter.
I will love to see the chicken book, we're doing that in our neighborhood now. (christaleff.blogspot.com) Along with beer-making, raw yogurt and occasional soap-making.
Three interests:
-cordials, elixirs, and bitters
Can't wait.
you are amazing!! i'll fed-ex empty cat food cans for nea STAT!!
bread making and edible landscaping! Lovely!
Allie from Sydney
I am going with
-organic gardening/edible landscaping
-cordials, elixirs, and bitters
I love all of your ideas! If I must choose, then:
-organic gardening/edible landscaping
-salting, smoking, drying and cellaring
A lot of fishermen around here smoke their fish in little metal boxes just after they are caught, using flavored wood chips and a marinade on the fish. Seems so simple, I'm not sure why people in the US don't do it more.
bee-keeping, and how about sheep while she's at it.
everything sounds so romantic. surely there's a way to conquer it all.
bee-keeping has long fascinated me however i am now suddenly very curious to learn more -- make that everything -- about smoking, salting, drying, etc.
(flowers will grow themselves)
I'd be most interested in bee keeping and cheese making!
I love hearing I'm not the only one with an imaginary book deal!Too funny!!!Can't wait for the chicken book. There are few good ones out there. I'm always on the hunt for something written with a large dose of passion, choked full of beautiful pictures and filled with useful information ! My favorite resource is a little booklet titled Sanitary Poultry Houses written in 1911.
Of the other options, my top picks are:
#1growing your own flowers
#2-organic gardening/edible landscaping
#3herbal products for baby, bath, pets, and home
I love your blog, it's always an inspiration!
growing flowers :)
herbal products...
bread making...
Definately cheesemaking!
And although its out of the realm of food, I'd have to add my longtime interest...raising sheep and spinning wool. Someday when I give up soapmaking that's what I want to try!
um, all bar the last two!
I say cheese-making! And perhaps wine-making! My boyfriend already makes bread and has THE greenest thumb, so we need something else to round out the menu...
All of it, but especially organic gardening, and cordials, elixirs and bitters. It just sounds so exotic and witchy.
Bee Keeping!
not on the list, but canning
bee-keeping. big time.
-flower growing
-cheese making
-bread making
-edible landscape
I also love your dog and became addicted to petfinder around the time you mentioned it. We finally got a dog a few weeks ago. We love him! :)
edible landscaping...10000% :)
-cordials, elixirs, and bitters
#1 organic gardening
#2 bread making
I have a bunch of chicken in the coubtry home, my husband want to have some in our city home but NO WAY!
-organic gardening/edible landscaping
and maybe -growing your own flowers because i adore flowers, but I've got a black thumb :(
I want to learn how to grow my own flowers!
(unlike my imaginary book deal, for which ทางเข้า ibc
ทางเข้า ibcbetI conduct "meetings" where I pretend Nea is my editor. She tells me how great my material is and extends
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