I feel like I owe you something.
These photos are from the farm in July.
I can't seem to write lately. When I sit down to write something I end up fucking around on spotify listening to music and making playlists instead.
If you want to explore my procrastination and hear various combinations of cocteau twins and emmylou harris you can go on there and search 'spotify:user:sarahryhanen' since I'm not linked through face book it can be tricky to find me.
When I emerge from this drought I'll have lots to say, Trust.

Yesss! A new post! (I haven't been checking frequently, nope.)
We, your loyal readers, have missed you. Welcome back.
You and your true loveliness have been missed (to echo Avril L) .... so nice to see your beautiful images and words! Thank you....
Could look at your farm photos forever and ever.
I alphabetize spices and then move on to the rest of the pantry when I'm in the space you describe. Must give spotify a try - I could use a new rabbit hole to fall down...
your photographs speak volumes...
Beautiful. And everybody ought to go follow you on Instagram, where beauty abounds;).
I think most of us have been pretty quiet lately. I'm happy for the random spots of beauty and words. Just to know that life is still clicking along for all my blog babes.
welcome back! missed your writing
agree with Robyn, sometimes the photos say what words cannot...
happy to read new posts and see new wonderful picture- thank you so much
I've missed you too! Welcome back. Gorgeous shots.
chicken + currant! Love it. Thanks for your photos, Sarah.
I was afraid you'd gone Sylvia...
Yes to yellow!!
I just adore your photos and the feeling!
And the spirit of garden! Allways a joy!
Tytöt. Olette loihtineet taas kerran satumaisen puutarhan
lumoa, jota voisin katsella pienen ikuisuuden!
Have missed your spunky writing!
LOVE those green nicotiana, one of my favourite flowers! Seed for those is getting hard to find. And those currants, to die for!! I'm loving ostrich plume astilbe this year. and endless summer blue hydrangeas, gorgeous mix of colour all in one bloom ball.
Thanks for poping in!
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