[Still sorting through Australia images here]
Hi, hello, good evening.
It's been a long day. at the flower market in the city this morning I did all the things, got all the flowers, talked to all the people. Then i got in the truck, turned on the news and heard about the meteor, then the asteroid (you should know the difference). Then of course the cruise ship.
I kept thinking: today is the sort of day that something bad happens...or something rather phenomenal in my personal life. The news of someone's death, and you'd always remember the day - the way it started like any other, then the strange news on the radio, and then the bad news. Just another reality unfolding objectively in the passing hours. The world goes on around you...
...but nothing bad or unusual did happen to me today, I'm happy to report. Though I did cut my finger with my clippers...something - dare I say - I've never done before. My eyebrows already furrowed, I watched myself carelessly cut a stem too close to my thumb.
I must have clipped a finger before - and if I was trying to be really honest (I'm not)(whatever
honesty can possibly mean in such a format as this) I'd tell you that every time I clip a finger I announce to whoever I'm with that - by god - that's the first time that's happened.
This past christmas eve, holed up in the city and refusing holiday obligation, I had myself a little festive Lars von Trier
marathon and watched Melencholia. Today's asteroid passing reminded me of it. And for a minute this morning in the truck...in trafic on the west side highway...I thought to myself. What if this near-Earth asteroid - 2012 DA14 - 190,000 tons of compacted space dust was indeed on a collision course with earth. And scientists had already buried themselves in underground bunkers with decades worth of supplies or blasted into space on secret space craft.
Then months ago, when they decided about all the important types of people they'd need to save with them in the bunkers in order to keep the human race going...well us florists we would really get the short end of that stick.