Saturday, November 10, 2012



things are so crazy here. red hook looks like a war zone as I walk the dog tonight.

we still don't have power at the studio and Eric continues to clean it, everyday suiting up with a respirator and hazmat gear, scrubbing everything salvageable down with bleach, degreaser and soap. we got about 3.5 feet of water and it was contaminated with fuel oil and ... sewage.


we are having to throw out a lot of things, but the damage is not a severe as some of our neighboring businesses and homes - those who had basements where the water reached to the ceiling. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment - ruined. So we feel lucky.

so many people have kindly offered to help, but the process of cleaning feels better alone - better done in our own time at our own thoughtful pace. it feels strangely personal. As the girls and I have been busy with some event prep (and throwing 'pancake parties' as Eric says - I mean we had to eat) the man is left to his own quiet routine. One strictly confined to daylight hours. The cathartic act of pulling every last low-lying vase, urn, box of files, tools (oh! the power tools eric had to chuck...) out from the depths of the studio, considering it for a few moments, and then kicking it to the curb or scrubbing the shit out of it. No pun intended.


it's not nearly as bad as it sounds - we are eating well besides missing Fairway, comfortable and warm in our apt around the corner where the electric is on, and working at Nicolettes studio on flower things. yesterday as I worked on an arrangement there she brought over all her fancy things to show me. like a little kid showing me around her room. "...and this is a piece of akebia vine i cut from my garden 3 weeks ago! and look at how good it still looks! this is my mossy branch, my favorite tillandsia...can i watch you? can I make a centerpiece?"

in the strangest way it's been nice to be in crisis mode, as you know I have a penchant for drama. a few other drama's loom on the horizon tonight...more about them in time. also - we budget now! look at these girls go:



Anonymous said...

Sarah, I hate that your shop was drowned.

If there's no natural evidence of water depth, make sure you create a permanent high water mark in the shop to go with the stories you'll tell of this adventure.

By my calendar we're only about 100days out from the Ranunculus blooming.

You all take care up there. Stay warm, and be excellent to each other.

Atelier Carmel said...

Yes, it's corny, but each disaster has it's flip side... An opportunity for a fresh start, maybe. Or a chance to revel in how amazing your friends are, and how many people out there are thinking about you and wishing you well...
Maybe I've had a few too many glasses of wine, but I can't help but think about the how this whole crazyness could blossom into something sweet...
Hope you all are well.
Power tools are are bitch to say goodbye to, send my condolences to Eric...

Vivie~ said...

these moments must be hard, terrible really, but also a reminder that these are just things and what you do in that building is so much more. You make memories, and no amount of water, shit or oil can destroy them.
you are in our hearts~

Shari Steelsmith Duffin said...

Sending some positivity your way. So sorry about the losses. So glad you have good people around you.

Simple Living Los Angeles said...

my heart is broken for all of you. take care and thank god the things/people/animals that cannot be replaced are ok.

Fleurie Flower Studio said...

Take care of yourselves and don't let the shit get to you. Really.

Desi McKinnon said...

I completely understand the personal part of crisis mode. You seem to be looking on the bright side, which I think helps.

Yeah on the budgeting. I have a hard time with it, but I feel so grown up and responsible when I do budget.

I morn the power tools.

17 beats. said...

other dramas ? YOU ARE PREGGY AIN'T YOU ?

i kid i kid. glad the shop wasn't completely totaled & that you all are keeping your chins up. hang in there. :-)

Sprout said...

Wow, I had no idea there was anything in the water other than, well, water. They don't give us that info on the news coverage. Thanks for giving us a clearer picture of the reality and hope things start looking up soon.

count buckula said...

good luck, stay safe.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for all of the crap Sarah! Literally and figuratively I guess. Silver lining-Maybe it's even too gross for sweet Nea to roll in? I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

This morning on the news they were talking about the Redhook area of Brooklyn and the storm damage. I thought of your store. I think they used the term "looked like a bomb hit" or something similar. Best of luck. I guess the silver lining to every cloud will be that Eric gets to buy new power tools. Men love to buy new tools. (I'm kind of skipping over the part where you actually pay for those tools).

Carola said...

Im sorry your shop was drowned! but it seems that u manage to look forward and continue, like a warrior!
Sometimes crisis are peculiar moment when we discover interesting aspect of our selves.



Anonymous said...

Brilliant stuff!..

Canoe said...

Thank you for sharing the real experience of the storm with us. I've been thinking a lot about all the small businesses in NY/NJ that are starting over and cleaning up, assessing the damages and picking thru rubble to make sense of what's left. I hope this brings new growth for you guys! Always love reading your honest take on life, so keep your chin up and know that folks around the world are rooting for you guys. xoxo

passionflower said...

You are, despite protestations of the opposite, ever the optimist.
We are so thinking of you and all your neighbors.

Dana McClure said...

good to hear an update on your beautiful shop and glad to hear you guys are keeping your spirits up. it's a lot to manage, not to mention your place upstate. inspired by you both keeping up the back and forth - I know it's not easy. - try to enjoy the holidays despite all the chaos

courtney said...

It's so good to hear that your studio and (most) stuff is able to be salvaged. It sounds like you are in good spirits and have a wonderful, strong team to help you.

(Also glad you're keeping up with the blog so we can see your beautiful work ;)

What Possessed Me said...

Holy crap, girl - I am so sorry about the shop and all the clean-up and the hassle and the heartache. Also, the crap. Bravo for humor and perserverence in the face of natural disasters. xox