Thursday, October 11, 2012

report from the field.


I've been on the road forever. Virginia and North Carolina. Been eating lots of pb&j's out of my rental's trunk, hopping from flower farm to flower farm.
Poor nea couldn't come with me, although she tried to by imitating one of my suitcases...I miss her.


I'm staying at an inn outside Charlottesville, VA. Jefferson stayed here and signed some document, and so there is no TV in the room. I'm into TV right now in a big way since I discovered Long Island Medium a few nights ago at a different hotel. I need a massage, but other than that life feels pretty good. I was in a slip of depression before I left, but being busy has lifted me out of it.





I'll have lots to share with you from my travels when I get back. Till then trust that I'm either on a ladder, driving deep into Romney Country for some really special flowers or being hit on by old men at gas pumps.



Amanda said...

those water lilies and that dahlia! omg.

Anonymous said...

Why did I think you were in Scotland?

count buckula said...

or eating at gillies. whut

Léah said...

if you don't mind me asking, i love your luggage and wondered who makes it.

7petals said...

You're still an inspiration,Sarah.
Speaking of Jefferson, there is an article on Mr.Jeff in the most recent Smithsonian that is pretty eye opening.

Anonymous said...

I love your little dog!

Beautiful photos too...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE NEA. End of story.

Shelby said...

I live in that Virginia/West Virginia area. Lots of creepy old men

Kae said...

ah, how I love reading your updates. can't wait to see all your photos from this summer/fall

Jo said...

Hahaha! Welcome to my world, babe. The south. I hope you enjoyed your time here. And I'm so glad that you are feeling better.

skong said...

Always beautiful. An added bonus that your hair is down.

Alice and Stuart said...

Ruth offered you some "ancient grains".....'twas so great seeing you!

Unknown said...

PLEASE come a little further south and do a workshop! SC would be great, but Atlanta, Charlotte... I'd be there in a heartbeat!

Nea is the cutest pup. I'm sure she's been missing you, too.

Cindy said...

if i saw theresa caputo out & about i would run to her. best reality show, eva!

Anonymous said...

your dog is the sweetest! well, maybe just behind mine.

Heather Keyser said...

Oh NEA!!!! Poor girl, she looks so sad I can barely take it. It must be hard for you to leave... give her a big hug and kiss from all of us in internet land.
As always your work is gorgeous as are your photos. Simply brilliant.

Anonymous said...

i also love your luggage. brand? where purchased? thanks.

anne said...

can you tell me, please, the name of the "plante aquatique"(with tiny "feuillage")? is so graphic!
pardon my english,thank you!

florist online said...

The post is giving a report from the field. Useful infromation

send gifts to pakistan said...

Beautiful photos..Very useful information...

Jessica said...

The luggage! Add me to the list of those who want to know who makes it...