Monday, February 20, 2012

chatty kathy


Got the evening alone! Well alone except for two dogs, one of whom has a flatulence problem. Fortunately for me, I got a stuffy nose and can't smell anything.

I've been working a lot on my photography lately, and by "working on" I mean that I've turned into a total gearhead who just lusts after expensive equipment. (I learned it from you dad...?)

Blessed is the soul that achieves greatness with megar resources, who toils with point and shoot 35mm and learns the tricks of light and shadow without fancy lenses. Who reads the manual. You are a testament to the art. Me? I want a new camera, and I want it to be expensive. And BIGGER than yours.

I rented a Mark II a few weeks ago just to see if I noticed any difference in the output. I also want to start making videos and my current DSLR didn't get that gene. For example, I have this idea for a video called "handjob" in which I demonstrate my method of giving myself a hand massage - so necessary for those of us in the floral industry. Clipper-wrist is a real, and the longer you wait to deal with it the more serious it becomes with repercussions in the shoulder and neck. Apparently hair stylists have the same trouble, and anyone else who wields shears or scissors for a living.

Anyway so my video projects, they are starting to pile up. Also Professor Nickles and I want to make floral arranging videos and put them on the flower school blog; not only because I had a hater who was lurking in my comments section (miss you!) who said I should share my talents (or lack there of) for free, but also in part because I know that our classes at LFS are cost prohibitive for lots of people. So the idea would be to create some videos and share them for free on the site. It feels like a natural way to round out our tutorial offerings.

Where was I going here?

You wouldn't know this, but I used to be the photo editor of the Collegiate Times, the Virginia Tech newspaper. Back when we shot film and processed it ourselves. Back before Virginia Tech football games were nationally televised. Once our sports photographer got sick right before a big game with Miami so I had to go down to shoot the game. I loaded up the 300 mm or whatever one brings to shoot sports, and boared the first of three flights to Miami International. (We must have had a very strict budget and flying direct was out of the question). Upon my return I processed the film to find... not a whole lot of action. Sitting in an editorial meeting I learned about an alleged incident with 3 seconds on the clock in which someone, maybe a young Michael Vick? threw or kicked the ball to victory. Problem is you wouldn't know from my documentation.
Standing up suddenly, jovially asking "Hey anyone want some Chick-fil-a?"


Lia said...

Just a thought, but do you ever used a knife when you are designing? That's all I've ever used, probably because that's what the more experienced people around me were using. Some sort of swiss armyish thing. No problems in the wrist area...although a nicked up thumb after the Valentine's rush. Bonus, the kiddos think it's cool that mom and dad need knives for work (chef dad)!

Erin said...

love the idea of videos! especially for us cash strapped wannabe's who live so very far away and only dream of making it to one of your classes.
someday though, I'll make it in person!

Another Emma said...

Videos, what a great idea! From another fan far across the seas... it will be great to attend a class of sorts.

Unknown said...

Yes, please, to the videos from a southern fan. I visit your site for a daily dose of beauty before I begin my schleppy gardening biz, and one day last week, I decided to ransack my daffs and make a beautiful bouquet. Let's just say--they looked like a bunch of sad, yellow blooms jammed in a vase.

I definitely need lessons.

Anonymous said...

ah...I remember that Miami game and the many flights. didn't remember that you missed the big moment, though. not that it would matter to me anyhow...

GALaxy said...

I have literally dreamed about going to one of your classes, but I'm in Canada west so it's pretty near impossible. No one here does flowers the way you do. I'm hyperventilating at the very thought of seeing a tutorial-type video!

andrea said...

Looking forward to vids from a fellow Hokie, BARCH '90

Susan said...

Your pictures are so fabulous.Not that I'm a big flower fan,& I don't much care about dogs, either. But I see you're pretty obsessed about the image. I love that.

The Field of Gold said...

Here's a positive from the South Island of New Zealand. My beautiful wife was working with her florist on an event setup and mentioned that I followed your blog. The responce was immediate. "Saipua. The best florist in the world." Your influence spreads far. Kerry

Anonymous said...

I'm so disappointed I missed your wedding class. Would've coughed up the dough, but the class was filled by the time I saw the posting. Videos? That's so generous, I'm tearing up.

danielle said...

I LOVE your pictures! Did you like the mark II? I am thinking I might get one this summer.

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness. Your images are a constant inspiration to me but I am so excited by the thought of being able to watch videos of you doing your thing. They just don't arrange flowers like you do here in London. YES PLEASE! And soon!