Oh brother.
You know what I need to admit to myself? I rather dislike writing proposals. I'm not very good at it. I much better at making stuff than I am crunching numbers and slapping together moodboards. If only we could say to clients - we'll just make it on the day of the wedding and it will be beautiful!
And there would be no money exchanged because it's utopia. And in utopia you get all the Rachel Comey boots you want, in the big sizes that are usually sold out, and you get to ride around on a dog sled like a Siberian queen. Those dogs take you right to the flower market where you get more stuff to make more arrangements.
I'm off to Saratoga Springs tonight for a farming conference...who would have ever thought.
[This is an arrangement from our crazy day today - the soft white flowers reminiscent of daisies are Flannel Flowers. I rather like them. Thumbergii Spyrea has started to come into our market as well, marking the start of the more serious early spring flowers...]
For our wedding? I showed a couple of inspiration photos to the sister of my coordinator, gave her a budget, and let her do her thing. Why must people micromanage life?
I love the ghostly flannel flower. Our cost conscious flower market isn't offering it up this year. Proposals. What a necessary pain in the butt. After ten years, they're beginning to get easier.
love your post...i so agree...xo
I too wish to be a siberian queen in rachel comey boots. Especially because it would be eternal winter and I'm down with that. Like narnia under the rule of the white witch, but not.
WOAH, those are awesome! I've only seen flannel flowers in the growers mags-are those lovelies from Europe or down under? they look soft
Ugh. Proposals are my least favorite part too. I have to force myself to complete them. I talk to a potential client, and get clear, vibrant visions in my head about what I can do for them. Then I grumble over my computer, laboring to explain these visions in a way that doesn't sound crazy. I carefully price everything, taking into account all of the costs and labor that I KNOW are involved, then brace myself for the inevitable "haggle" that almost every client trys to pull. I think that during my next big job, I'm going to create a time lapse video of the whole darned circus that is processing hundreds and hundreds of stems of flowers from boxes to magical decor. Then I will refer all future hagglers to that video, especially when they say, "But I could just get all my flowers at Whole Foods for a fraction of what you're charging!" -Amy, www.leavesofgrassdesigns.com
hey homie. Thank you and thank Eric so much for the soap and horrible t-shirt that by-chance happens to look very nice on Stuart. So thoughtful. Ruth and I now smell like the first apartment of yours I visited, the sweet fragrance of which I will never forget.
Those pictures are beautiful.
I have never seen anything from a florist or a photographer as stunning as the work you show us. Thank you.
Saratoga Springs, my stomping ground! Check out the Posie Peddler, it's a lovely little flower shop that just relocated to an old school house, pretty cool! If you're looking for a good place to eat you're in luck, we've got a ton of restaurants; Maestro's, Max London's, Forno, they are all amazing! Hope you like our little town as much as I do :)
You'd be extra-busy in utopia because everyone would want your flowers.
Beautiful color palette. I like the combination of rustic materials with romantic flowers like ranunculus. Citrus fruits are half hidden depth providing light and remind me the desire I have of summer.
It is a beautiful center.
A greeting.
I just love all your arrangements, and especially the rununculus. I thought I read they were really poisonous. Am I crazy? I would love to grow some this year.
I love flannel flowers...as far as I understand they are native from here in Australia. They were a feature of my bridal bouquet which over a year later I still swoon at the thought of. That arrangement is perfection. Haven't been to your site for a little while now-no idea why-but it's good to be back. SO achingly beautiful.
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