Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I'm really freak-ing cranky this morning so I have to keep this short so I don't sink into a bratty rant

I made an arrangement for practice yesterday, here it is:

pink and yellow

There are a few quick things I'll share about this little study:

1. Pink and yellow, not a famous color combination around here, but I was "inspired" (a word i find revolting this morning, jesus help me) by an unusually pretty bunch of poppies that one Miss. L. Lubell dangled in front of me yesterday in the studio. Here they are.

I had some lemons left from a memorial service (an event that I'll write about comically in my novel one day) and a smattering of frilly pink things. And a very sorry bunch of poppies that never really opened stashed in the hallway. (Associated, your poppies are 3rd rate junk or worse.)

Et voila.


2. Shallow silver bowl with a flower frog in the bottom. Even with heavy fruit this is possible without flower foam. There is really no excuse for flower foam. I can think of only a few instances where you need it, and a low footed bowl is not one of them. So bone up and quit that shit already.



Marie Pech said...

Well done :)

Nastya said...

I like this color combination, it's not very common, but still pretty lovely

LPC said...

Surely if you installed this somewhere the fallen petals would be part of it?

Liane said...

hey you make flowers so goddamn sexy. am i wrong??

count buckula said...

yeah, bone up bitches

Anonymous said...

Haven't made friends with the frog, but chicken wire works.

Anonymous said...

I am in love with your fertile hands, brain, eyes

7petals said...

Nice try anyway, and hope your fingers survived the lemon thorns.We have Meyer and Eureka lemon trees next door and they're almost worse than roses.

Berså said...

I like it !!!

L A M A R T I N É said...

Floral foam scares me....I use chicken wire for deliveries , and frogs for events. Pretty - Pretty !

Patricia said...

Just pre-ordered your novel on Amazon.

courtney said...

I like it when your pretty flower photos are accompanied by words like 'revolting.'

Anonymous said...

I love your arrangements, they are stunning! Your photography is so breathtaking, I would love to be able to take pictures like that (and I'm not a flowery kinda gal) But I think my favorite thing about your blog is how real you are - don't sugar coat real life for me! - Lori B

{the hort couture gardener} said...

Can't believe this is a 'practice' arrangemnt. Yet again you have managed to create perfection! So with you on the floral foam thing - that stuff is just pure nasty.

monica said...

I think it works because the pink is such a slight blush of watercolor, almost like the brush of pink on a lemon blossom... it works! Lovely!

Come drink wine soon!

monica said...

I've also used the malleable red dogwood stems as a natural frog/cage...

Simple Living Los Angeles said...

your crankiness does not effect your work :))

Anonymous said...

You are no Amy Merrick. Who are you to place judgements or teach a class. Your arrangements are OK. You should be sharing all that you know for free on this blog- in hopes of someday being good enough to teach a class.

Sarah Ryhanen said...

Dear Anon;

Trust me, I of all people know that amy and I have little in common.


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Kathleen Sparks said...

I love the color combination. I hate flower foam. Not just because of the cancer causing formaldehyde but also because the finished arrangements always look static. As though they have been tortured into obeying. A big mound o' flowers in a bowl may as well be scoops of ice cream