sitting at the computer in the dark, procrastinating. eric is sleeping on the couch and i'm alone and it's very quiet. it's 7:47 right now! like the airplane!
i wish i was on an airplane right now... to Italy! I would arrive and one of those guys would be holding a cardboard sign that said RYHANEN and I would go with him, speechless. He would take me to a fantastic sidestreet buried deep in...what city should we be in? Florence? Sienna?
...and i would get out, knock on a small door and be greeted by fabulous (but not FABULOUS like you know what i mean, ew gross) people who had wine in their hands and some kind of delicious cured meats. we'd eat and drink and talk for a while about relationships and flowers and life and then I would feel tired and excuse myself to my quarters which are small, like a monestary. a bed, plaster walls, a simple sink. i'd wash up and hit the sack!
in the morning? strong coffee, a slice of lemon-baked ricotta, and the keys to my scooter to go traveling.
[brian ferry you did it to me]
[I wish you all could smell these roses, they are absolutely intoxicating. if i ever said ranunculus was my favorite flower, i take it back and say roses now.]
have you ever watched 'room with a view' its stunning with amazing music,costumes and fields of flowers. set in florence and the glorious english countryside.
"i find the cornflower the most delightful of flowers, dont you miss lavish? i prefer something bolder the reckless rose, the tempestuous tulip"
netflix that shit girl...its on instant and the 1985 version with helena bonham carter.
Oh heck yes, totally second "Room With a View", I honestly liked it better than "Wings of the Dove" (which is also on instant too now...)
wow - is that lighting a happy accident or do you practice at it???
tarbot - i use all natural light and most photos happen when i see a pretty stream of light coming in i run and grab my camera.
how have i not seen "room with a view"?
Very nice!
Want. All of that.
you know, i was just warming up to roses recently and then my sister got pricked this week and her hand blew up twice the size! she had to get a tetanus shot and go on antibiotics. rose thorns harbor a bacteria that can can lead to some serious ailments including blood poisoning. i never knew this.
that said, i don't know if i'll be stopping to smell the roses anytime soon. that shit is dangerous. but i will enjoy your gorgeous image...
'room with a view' is my favorite. oh my favorite!
"i prefer something bolder. the reckless rose. the tempestuous tulip."
First time comment from a little florist in Pa. - love your blog, your work is beautiful. Had to jump in to say you MUST watch "Room with a View", one of my most favorites! Fabulous scenery and wonderful characters. Wish I was in Italy, too. Love the weddings, but need a break from the madness. Happy weekend!
ohhhhh sounds like a lovely trip!
ah, I don't know if there's a film, but there has been a lovely play adaptation of "Enchanted April," which is another must - novel or play or some film if you can find it. Four British women, grieving and shaken by the aftermath of WWI, find themselves roommates at an Italian villa for a summer. Magic ensues, the human kind. =)
Can I ask, what kind of roses are those? I've taken to growing them, especially if I can find beautiful old-fashioned scents or beautiful colours - gertrude jekyll, midnight blue, joseph's coat, etc. I've been thinking of picking up an Enchanted Evening or Fragrant Cloud (hah, or both) next month ... but if you've got another contender I should consider, I'd be excited to know about it!
I just wanted to comment (for the first time) that I love your blog.
That's all.
Oh, and that I wish I had some beautiful roses to smell.
There is an "Enchanted April" movie, from maybe ten years ago, with some fabulous actors and scenery. It's wonderful!
Brian Ferry's been doing that to me all month, too. I keep going back to those posts, again and again.
And you should do all of that in Assisi. Or Perugia. :-)
love this post!
ciao sara!! come stai?
how about a workshop/class where one tours italy through flower markets and botanical gardens? there are some fantastic scenes, this one i daydream about http://www.laragnaia.com/IT/
bacios per tutti..
sounds nice.
"room with a view"is one of my favorite films!
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