Stopped the truck short the other day at the sight of a gorgeous bale of pink japanese dogwood on the sidewalk in front of a vendor in the flower district.
This particular vendor is located somewhat across the tracks, but it so happens that said vendor gets the very best local product (nature works in mysterious ways) and so once a week I hurry across the avenue wincing my way through "goodmornings!" as these guys crack open Budweisers at 6:30 am and hustle flowers with the maturity of 6th graders.
Market's got all types of vendors; all sorts of personalities. The mobsters, the sheisters, the preps, the sporties...I shop these vendors differently. Sometimes I work them against each other. (I said it!) But in the end, they all get cookies at Christmas. Linzers, remember them? Come to think of it I didn't bring any to this vendor, and I feel sad about that now.
"It's sold!" he said.
"Ha! right. But I NEED IT
"I can make you another one.." he said.
And that is when I saw his arms were covered in red streaks - he had spray-dyed white dogwood pink to resemble the blushing variety scarce in the market last week.
I was horrified and it must have been all over my face because running back to the truck he shouted after me with a maniacle look in his eyes -
"Time to accept it sweetheart! We're in the fantasy business!
So there it is. Now you know that people spray paint flowers.
We live - and I participate in - to some extent - a fantasy land where people spend insane amounts of money on flowers for weddings and events; parties where there MUST be 10,000 blue hydrangea.* And when the world can't give you 10,000 stems of blue hydrangea all in one week, you buy floral grade spray paint, shake the shit out of that can, and make the white ones blue.
*I guess, I mean I don't actually know. I've never sprayed a flower. Pinecone, yes...are you judging me right now?
The little photo shoot I did with Nikki and Russell is up at 100 Layer Cake.
The photo above is an outtake of a shoot I did for a client who is getting a floral tattoo!
I used to work in a floral shop where they made us rattle can color flowers. They wanted their roses fucking blue!
During the icelandic volcanic ash incident last year, the studio I worked for had to have blue hydrangeas for a client, who wouldn't accept anything else. We begged her, but our owner ultimately conceded to her demands.
I ended up shaking and rattling a couple cans of the blue stuff onto gorgeous white hydrangeas in the parking lot out back of the shop. I wanted to puke my brains out.
The trick is, you have to hold the can about 16 inches away from the heads waving in an S-motion to get the exact color... and even then it still looks slightly off.
I don't work for that studio anymore... ;)
that is going on my list of crazy things people say. i love it.
Oh, girl! Are we gonna get to see the tattoo????? I want to see the tattoo when it's finished! Promise me!
And, yeah. Graffiti'ing flowers is just insane. But like the guy said. You work in the fantasy flower porn business, baby.
That's awful, but he did have a great come-back line. Would it be a really bad idea to have a beer with him? It probably would, but I feel like he might have some really great stories to tell, too.
you rock!i can't explain it but i love your combo of verve and sensitivity.
Just found your blog - I LOVE it. I've read all the way back to '07.
But by far, your 100 Layers layout is the. best. ever.
Chloe M.
the palette in this photo is incredible. going to save it for future inspiration; I could see a dress in these colours.
ha ha ha, i think i know that guy!
btw, the 100 layer shoot is so fucking gorgeous! hats off to you and nicolette.
"Time to accept it sweetheart! We're in the fantasy business."
but seriously, those might be the wisest words ever uttered. it explains so many things.
painting the roses red!
"WHO PAINTED MY ROSES RED???"(that's a mess!)
- erica @ tinseltwine . com
girl you need to rent out that vintage wedding dress to me just so i can look at it in person.
gorgeous photos at 100 layer cake and gorgeous photos here too (as always).
i wish i was in ny so i could visit your shop and bring you all a coffee cake. come back to la!
I'll trade you 80 degree weather for the 60s I've had for the past 2 months. Summer won't get here soon enough! Thanks for the gorgeous photos and inspiring post! Chic Rooms
I know I'm a little late to the post, but this made me laugh today.
I'm planning trip to NYC soon, and Saipua is at the top of my list of places to pop by. Can't wait!
you have inspired me to go and take some photographs of my elderberry...i just love that plant too....
happy to stop by today
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