Hellebores, right?!?
Crazy fuckers just keep getting better - three varieties in this special arrangement delivered uptown today. Have a great weekend. I'll be blowing my nose and preparing our new series of classes over the the Little Flower School...
Beautiful photos!!!
Well, your hideous headcold hasn't compromised your design skills. Really pretty...hope you shake that thing over the weekend!
wow! What the head are the green ones with the spattered purple centers called? I think I need to *GROW* these!! amazing!
hope you kick your headcold this weekend. I knocked mine out with some leftover codeine cough syrup and a good night of sleep. It's definitely fading now. whew.
so pretty. despite the constant nose blowing.
it's just ridiculous how beautiful your photos are!!!
Hellebores, too gorgeous, I have green ones in the bar right now!
The flowers and the photography is just absolutely stunning, honey!
You never cease to amaze me.
I got my hands on a bunch of dark purple this week and I practically want to eat them. (almost)
I too am still (week TWO!) suffering the head cold / allergies situation. Still blowing my nose. Neti pots unite!
Could y'all plan a Flower school b/w the days of June 14 - 18th? I'd be a repeat attendant, gladly.
so very lovely.
what is that lovely wispy branch in focus in the third photo? Gorgeous. And maidenhair fern!!! Probably my favorite fern. Love it.
soooo beautiful! hope you feel better! xo
I love your blog and now I am obsessed with hellebores...I almost want to grow them in my garden but don't know if that would work out.
Love it! I am totally pissed at my hellebores at the moment and just saw your post...instead of being lovely little lush lumps of foliage and pretty flowers they are totally leggy and not a flower in sight. I am going to load them up with dynamic lifter!
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Ahh...hellebore heaven! I've been doing hellebore wrangling over here: www.claredayflowers.ca
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