Thursday, March 3, 2011

free fritillaria friday


Have I mentioned yet how good March is for flowers? It is an out-of-control-beauty-explosion; eyes rolling back in heads; dizzying; paralyzing...


Come March 1st, its peak season for Jersey grown ranunculus and at the market you'll find Nicolette and I racing around with armloads of them whether we need them or not shouting GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME! Professional right? Not to mention the quince, jasmine, tetra anemones (now so strong and gorgeous), early cherry blossoms....


Fritillaria are coming in strong now too; Melagris, Imperialis, and Uva (as pictured above). These tiny, graceful harbingers of spring are also known as "fox's grape." Hearty in zones 3-9 these small bulb flowers bloom around here in late March through April. You can plant them in quite shallow earth - 2 to 3 inches deep - so they can be nicely layered on top of deeper bulbs like tulips or daffodils.


Anyway I have a bunch of the Uva's in the studio now, so the winner of the free friday flowers gets an arrangement featuring them. Comment to win, and good luck!

[lucky #1!]


jezebel said...

yes please

Michelle said...

yep, I'll take those. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Wow - these are some of the most beautiful flowers I've seen in a long time! I would love them!

Jaime Rugh said...

so pretty!

rony @ catbird said...

Fritallaria are my fravorites. Freal.

kyli said...

Yeah, I'd be shouting "gimme" too. In fact, gimme!

kathleen // scout + lilly said...

Yes, please! But for my friend who's still new to the city and all lonely while she's trying to find a job!

katie said...

I want! They are so beautiful.

Laura said...

Would love these!

Raq said...

Commenting to win ...

Léah said...

yes, please!

Unknown said...

soo pretty!! love emmm

El said...

This time of the year, I freak out pretty much every time I see a flower poking its way out of the ground. Winter is almost over!

Jessica said...

Yes, please!

Le said...

So lovely...a little shot of sunshine.

Lisa said...

Swooning over those photos. Come on, big money!

Lizania Cruz said...

MARCH!!! thank you

thea said...

lovely lovely lovely!

Unknown said...

I so love what you guys do! Pretty pretty.

jennie said...

ahh, those yellows make my heart ache. love.

Flo~ said...

So pretty! Almost makes up for the cold snap we're having

t. l. spencer said...

please please please said...

blossoming branches are my favorite

Bonnie said...

Yes yes yes! So beautiful.

lady elle said...


Pea Snap said...

I have to remember to plant fox's grape- so pretty and sweet!

Inessa said...

indeed March is for beautiful flowers


i love fritillaria! amazing!

lily said...

fox's grapes sound just right for this time of year.

C said...

oh March!

Shayna said...

Oh come on, you're killing me with the pretty!

Grace said...

Uva it up! Thanks for sharing your horticultural knowledge. I would like to win the flowers.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous!!! Need some sunshine.

Georgette said...

Goodness Gracious Yes!

Always gorgeous.


Dollface Creatures said...

so beautiful and romantic! love.

sandra said...

its my birthday tomorrow

fiona said...

yes, please, for a friend who is donating his liver to someone else.

Ringo, have a banana! said...

Yes pls! Perfect way to welcome my bf back from tour.

Unknown said...

a pretty please for these pretty flowers! crossing the ol' fingers!

beckyhanna said...

So happy the birds are chirping again and it is March!

Dandlion said...

oooh that is so lovely! I cannot wait for ranunculus!

Unknown said...

I've got my fingers crossed!!

Urban Kitchen Garden said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

so lovely. want!

La Principita said...

It's my bday month. The flowers will be great for celebratin my bday month...oh yeah cause it's a bday month.

Katherine said...

so glad things are blossoming! this winter's been a long one!


tessa said...

so beautiful!

Volare said...


mary timmons said...

I want them sooooo badly!

sam said...

your flowers are my dream flowers for my upcoming wedding, but its all the way in florida. no one there can do what you do. would love to win since my wedding flowers won't be as pretty as yours

virginia said...

gorgeous & perfect for my mama right now!
virg at virginiagalvan dot com

Becca said...

would love these to brighten up the weekend!

elliegolightly said...

It is my birthday, after all!

my name is ish said...

this is the first time I got here in time to comment before the list was locked! yay!!!!!

Caroline said...

Those lovely yellows remind me of the wallpaper in my grandmother's bedroom when I was little. GLAMOROUS.

Kirsten said...

Unbelievably gorgeous!! You are an amazing artist.

leslie said...

I feel like you've almost made up the names of all those flowers. Fritillaria, really? Yet - me, me, pick me!

pacificspecific said...

yes, please me!

Unknown said...

por favor!

JanJan said...

Hi! My sister-in-law is a big fan of yours and she introduced me to your website! Love your flowers!

melanie martin said...

so, so, so lovely! merci beaucoup xx

Anonymous said...

having started and new job with stupidly long hours this week, i could use a little sunshine on my mantle. xx

Unknown said...

oh my goodness a fritillaria filled friday would resuscitate me like no other. so beautiful.

Flim said...

This has been a really rough week in the office and these would be awesome! at gmail

Unknown said...

Pretty please?

Lets Pretend said...

this is a great thing you are doing, cheers to you!