i gave up superlatives a long time ago. they're so contrived and boring! i pride myself on changing my mind frequently - and, on a dime*

asking a florist about favorite flowers is just insensitive. how would i possibly choose? as a sister , I remember asking my mother who she liked better. over and over again waiting for her answer. it's sort of a similar scenario.

nicolette and I had the favorite flower showdown last year over the course of three weeks and countless arguments and emails. it came down to three choices and an if-you-had-to-choose-stuck-on-a-desert-island sort of ultimatum...any guesses?

but here, the topic of my note to you; porcelain vine. today, this week - FOR NOW my favorite thing. it boggles my mind - the color, the speckles i almost can't stand it. in fact I hoard it. all wound up in a black plastic garbage bag in the cooler. yesterday i finally let it out.

*aquarius moon
and today, i miss-assigned our new intern Jacky as a virgo when she's really a leo.
whatev's, I'll be keeping my day job. but speaking of interns, I'm looking for another if you or someone you know is interested...have them email me.
but virgos and leos are similar in a lot of ways (at least that's how i, as a virgo, feels), so i say you could've been further off.
they are pretty little things, those berries.
i would love to intern! unfortunately i live in engalnd and have a job, so not much chance of that :(, gorgeous flowers as always btw.
I have never seen vines like these! Love them, need to find them over here...
I wish I could intern but I'm in Australia and that would make the morning commute to work pretty impossible!
I love how those porcelain vine berries almost look like little robin's eggs. They also look great when they change colours. I'd love to see you do an arrangement with multicoloured pine berries! :)
I've never seen porcelain vine berries before, but I'm all sorts of smitten! I want those in my living room right NOW!!!
love those ice blue berries they look like glossy ceramic. It is hard to pick one favorite for many things. Such as seasons, places to travel too, favorite shoes and so on.
Wow, incredible color. It's as if Tiffany created a plant.
Lovely photos and colors
wowee gorgeous.
- I love your arrangements. Love them. And I have had a love/hate affair with Porcelain Berry Vines for sometime. Love the way they look, hate that my woods are overrun with their little exotic invasive selves.
Cool! I also want to have "Porcelain Vine" Anyway, the flowers in your "Porcelain Vine" are so pretty. Thanks for sharing.
I'm not sure where you are located, but you should know that porcelain berry/ porcelain vine is an invaive species in many areas of the United States. Please check your Department of Agriculture or Natural Resources (or just look it up online) before buying/planting new and interesting plants. Some are even spread by animals if used in outdoor decorations. Thank you.
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