Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday, 9:22pm (3 days in)

In the last 72 hours we've made lots of fires, taken lots of walks, eaten turkey, turkey sandwiches, turkey soup. Two pies. I got to try on my sister's 6 inch heels. We discussed breast feeding as a family over cocktails. It's been special.

Anyway, tonight we skipped cocktail hour and went right to a dinner of turkey burritos*.
Over dinner, my father took advantage of a live audience and pontificated on global warming. Just how doomed are we, I ask?
A pop-quiz followed. It involved a carbon footprint comparative analysis between plastic and stainless steel. When I answered correctly, he ignored me. Now I'm sitting fireside perusing and Mother Jones while dad watches a video on youTube video about a man who is building a spaceship with instructions from aliens.

"That's enough of that shit!" he says.

AH! But more to the point of this blog is this latest news! We've fomulated three test batches of new soaps for release this spring - a rose, a lilac and an olive blossom...

Hope you all had a great holiday. I am especially thankful for my new balsam-filled pillow from enhabiten.

More photos of our weekend once I get home.

*I was skeptical, but they were delicious.


17 beats. said...

sounds like you had a bit more fun than i did... then again, yours wasn't a 7 MFing hour drive.

our mossy, detritus scent didn't make the cut? bummer.

Anonymous said...

I've pretty much mentally blocked out everything related to turkey. So, all I saw was "6 inch heels" and "new soaps".

DM said...

that path looks an awful lot like my backyard... ?

Liane said...

aww, thanks for the mention. that last picture of you is funny. i'm dreaming about spagetti and meatballs for dinner tomorrow. nice switch from el turkey.

Pam - housemartin said...

oh so glad you got a chance to wind down! Hope you are all well and so excited for new soaps too!

Anonymous said...

A pop-quiz followed. It involved a carbon ทางเข้า ibcfootprint comparative analysis between plastic and stainless steel. When I answered correctly, he ignored me. Now I'm sitting fireside perusing and Mother Jones while dad ทางเข้า ibcbetwatches a video on youTube video about a man who is building a spaceship with instructions from